Karakterin Ölümü

Elinor Fuchs

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Karakter'in dramatik teori içinde işlenişini Aristoteles'ten günümüze kadar takip eden Fuchs, "Karakter"in modern ve postmodern zamanlarda geçirdiği evrimi, Aristoteles-Hegel-Nietzsche yörüngesini izleyerek ve postyapısalcıların '70 sonlarında ve 80'lerde ilan ettikleri "ölümler" [Lacan'ın öznelliğin sembolik yapılandırılışına ilişkin kavrayışı, Foucault'nun "insanın sonunu" ilan edişi, Derrida'nın "Varlık'ın metafiziği"ne saldırışı, Barthes'ın "Yazarın Ölümü", Baudrillard'ın yıkıcı "simülakr düşüncesi", Lyotard'ın modernizmin meta anlatılarının yıkıma uğraması ve Cixous, Irigaray ve Kristeva'nın eril, genellikle de yukarıda adı geçen kuramcılara ait felsefi ve psikanalitik yorumları sergileyişleri] ile desteklenmiş okumalar odağından geçerek, haniyse imbikten süzüp aktarıyor bize.
Elinor Fuchs
Elinor Fuchs
Estimated Reading Time: 8 hrs. 4 min.Page Number: 285Publication Date: 2003Publisher: Dost Kitapevi
ISBN: 9789752980846Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Elinor Fuchs
Elinor FuchsYazar · 1 books
Elinor Fuchs is the author or editor of five books, including The Death of Character: Reflections on Theater After Modernism, winner of the George Jean Nathan Award in Dramatic Criticism, Land/Scape/Theater co-edited with Una Chaudhuri, and Making an Exit, a family memoir which has led to many speaking invitations on issues of dementia and aging. She has published numerous scholarly articles in anthologies and journals as well as theater criticism in The Village Voice and American Theatre. Her documentary play, Year One of the Empire: A Play of American War, Politics, and Protest, written with historian Joyce Antler, received its premiere in Los Angeles, winning the Drama-Logue “Best Play” Award, and was produced in New York in 2008. Known for her work on dramatic structure, and on postmodern and postdramatic theater, Professor Fuchs has also won the Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award, the Excellence in Editing and Outstanding Article awards of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education and the Betty Jean Jones Teaching Award of the American Theatre and Drama Society. Professor Fuchs has taught at Harvard, Columbia, Emory, New York University, and the Institut für Theatrewissenschaft of the Free University in Berlin. She has also offered dramaturgical workshops in Europe and the U.K. She has been the recipient of a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship for independent study, a Bunting fellowship, and a fellowship in Age Studies at the Center for 20th Century Study of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. She holds a Ph.D. from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and is now Professor Emerita of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism of the David Geffen School of Drama, where she taught from 1987 to 2015.