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“Kaspar, çeviri açısından rastlanabilecek en çetin ceviz metinlerden biri. Elinizdeki Türkçe metin, titiz bir çalışmanın ürünü olduğunu hemen belli ediyor. Özellikle tümce parçalanmalarının işlendiği bölümler buluşlardan yana oldukça zengin.” Ahmet Cemal Kaspar yayınlandığında, edebiyat ve tiyatro çevrelerince “bir deha ürünü” olarak nitelendirilmişti. Bireyin yaşamak durumunda kaldığı gerçekliği, o güne kadar görülmemiş, keşfedilmemiş ve yazılmamış biçimde sahneye aktarıyordu çünkü. Sarsıcı, dehşete düşürücü ve uyandırıcı cümlelerle... Kaspar gerçekte özgür doğmuş ancak sürekli dış müdahalelerle “yola getirilmeye” çalışılan bir insandır, sürekli bir buyruk bombardımanı altında ona “yaşamak öğretilmektedir”. Oyun aslında bize şu soruyu sorar: “Kaspar kim şimdi?” (Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Peter Handke
Peter Handke
Mehmet Fehmi İmre
Mehmet Fehmi İmre
Estimated Reading Time: 3 hrs. 34 min.Page Number: 126Publication Date: 2018First Publication Date: May 2007Publisher: İmge Kitabevi
ISBN: 9789755338934Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Peter Handke
Peter HandkeYazar · 19 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born on December 6, 1942 in Austria. His birth father was separated from his mother before he was born, and his mother married Bruno Handke, who later gave Peter Handke his name. Peter Handke emigrated to East Berlin with his family in 1944, but they left just before Berlin was blockaded by the Russians. Until the age of twelve, he studied in a religious-oriented school, then transferred to a normal high school. Since his maternal grandfather was Slovak, he showed interest in this culture from an early age. He entered law school in 1961 and started writing during his student years. He left his education midway after his first novel, Die Hornissen, was accepted by Suhrkamp Publishing House. After this novel was published in 1966, Peter Handke did nothing but write. In 1971, his mother committed suicide. This incident, which affected him very much, was the subject of his novel Wunschloses Unglück. Handke separated from her husband in 1972 and raised her daughter from this marriage alone. In the seventies, Peter Handke received a lot of criticism both for his personal views and lifestyle, as well as for his rebellious personality. He lived in Paris between 1973-78 and in America between 1978-79. He returned to Salzburg in 1979. Some of the author's works, including poems, novels and theater plays, have also been translated into Turkish. His novel A Year in Nobody's Bay, which has been translated into several languages, was also published by Can Publications. Peter Handke lives in Paris. The Swedish Academy announced that the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Austrian writer Peter Handke. Handke's "influential works that explore with linguistic mastery the specificity and limits of human experience" It was noted that he was deemed worthy of an award.