Kaygı Döngüsünü Kırmak

Judson A. Brewer
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Spoiler: There are no suggestions such as "Do sports, drink chamomile tea, solve puzzles" in this book! You feel overwhelmed and out of control; experiencing large and small attacks that deeply affect your daily life, such as eating disorders, procrastination habits, and stress; If you think you are drowning in a sea of ​​anxiety with any content you see on social media, you are not alone... Dr. Judson Brewer helps you look at your addictions from a different perspective with Breaking the Anxiety Cycle, where he explains in a striking way how anxiety affects our lives in every field, from personal problems to the difficulties experienced by all nations. Explaining with examples from his clients that you can overcome the anxiety cycle created by these addictions with simple and regular exercises, Brewer sheds light on how to discover the triggers and map the anxiety on the way to solution. Through the applications he carries out in his laboratory, he reveals how using brain-based techniques and doing conscious awareness exercises can improve your lives. In a world that makes us wash the package of salted peanuts we bought from the grocery store with soapy water, staying away from anxiety seems to be no longer an option. Dr. This valuable work of Judson Brewer, which combines more than twenty years of anxiety expertise, not only shows us the way out of the anxiety cycle in these suffocating times, but also allows us to penetrate all the capillaries of anxiety and thus recognize our "enemy". When I go to a Far Eastern restaurant, I wonder, "What if my body has developed a seafood allergy since the last time?" Even though I haven't had a panic attack with the thought of it, as someone who has suffered from anxiety in some form or another, it has already entered my to-read list, from beginning to end, underlined. -Erkam Evlice, Editor (From the Promotional Bulletin)
Judson A. Brewer
Judson A. Brewer
Estimated Reading Time: 8 hrs. 57 min.Page Number: 316Publication Date: 7 October 2021Publisher: Okuyan Us Yayınları
ISBN: 9786257344258Country: TürkiyeLanguage: Türkçe

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316 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 35 days
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Breaking the Anxiety Cycle I benefited from this book as much as you can benefit from a book. If I hadn't read this book, a lot of things would have been missing in my life and I would have continued in inextricable situations and habits that I didn't know why I did. Now I know what these situations are and I have learned how to react. The book starts with my favorite topics, the evolution of the brain. It explains what our primitive brain is and the function of our prefrontal cortex, which is relatively newly evolved and easily defeated compared to our hindbrain. Would you like to know the answer to why our brain prefers cake over broccoli? The answer is in the book. Anxiety arises from uncertainty. If our brain has no information about that thing, alarms begin to ring. When the flow of information is ensured and that thing, place or subject turns into a safe area, then the anxiety disappears. Anxiety occurs not only in the unknown, but also in emotional eating disorders, cigarette and alcohol addictions. Why can't we quit these habits even though we know they are bad? Because we don't know what "conscious awareness" is that you and I are missing. The moment we are caught in the cycle of anxiety, we know what to do with conscious awareness and approach the subject with curiosity. Yes curiosity. In the book, he explains how the positive aspects of curiosity can be good for us. Curiosity is the most functional emotion that pushes us to be informed and causes us to experience conscious awareness "in the moment", and it becomes a turbo fuel to relieve anxiety. I took notes on every page, I incorporated it into my life from the first page I read and saw its benefits. It became a book that I will have at hand for many years and will benefit from constantly.
Kaygı Döngüsünü Kırmak
Kaygı Döngüsünü KırmakJudson A. Brewer · Okuyan Us Yayınları · 2021172 okunma
316 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 78 days
“Bir sorun, kendisini yaratan zihin aynı kaldıkça çözülemez.” (Einstein’in ölümünden sonra edindiği sözü) Tıp dünyasında huzursuzluk,tahammülsüzlük,çabuk yorulmak,odaklanma sorunları,gerginlik,artan kas ağrıları,uykusuzluk “kaygı” belirtileri olarak görülmekte. Fakat yazar diyor ki “Kaygı fark edilmesi zor bir histir,kişi buna en yakınında
Kaygı Döngüsünü Kırmak
Kaygı Döngüsünü KırmakJudson A. Brewer · Okuyan Us Yayınları · 2021172 okunma
316 syf.
Not rated
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The book is written in a very fluent and easy-to-read language, as if it speaks directly to you. Techniques that the author applied to his own clients on coping with anxious thoughts were shared. In fact, there may be parts where it shares common points with other books in this field (such as breathing exercises and meditation), but I think there is an important point that distinguishes this book from others. Here, the anxious thought cycle is treated as a kind of addiction, and it is as if you are working on anxiety as a way of fighting addiction. The techniques described seem to be beneficial in controlling different conditions such as various addictions, overeating, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as anxiety. I can say that it is a complete "self-help" book. Good reading
Kaygı Döngüsünü Kırmak
Kaygı Döngüsünü KırmakJudson A. Brewer · Okuyan Us Yayınları · 2021172 okunma
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