Killing Commendatore

Haruki Murakami

Killing Commendatore Quotes

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İlerledim mi, geride mi kaldım, yoksa sadece aynı noktanın üzerinde mi dönüyordum, emin olamadım.
Hiç bir şey göründüğü gibi değildir.
. Her şeyin parlak bir yanı vardır. En karanlık, en kalın bulut bile yukarıdan bakıldığında gümüşi parlar. ...
"Öldürme Sorumlusu"
“Look deep enough into any person and you will find something shining within.”
The physical body really is nothing more than a fleeting, empty abode.That, at least, is what these mummies teach us. We may do our utmost, but at best we end up as no more than beef jerky.
After a pause Menshiki nodded “I’m not sure how I should put this —“ I realized at that instant that the clamor of insects had completely stopped. I looked at the clock on the wall.It was just past one forty. I held a finger up to my lips, and Menshiki stopped in midsentence. And the two of us listened carefully in the still of the night.
And why wasn’t I able to do any decent sketches of him? The answer was simple, really. Because I had not yet grasped what lay at the core of his being.
The important part was, of course, her eyes that’s what I wanted to draw most. Back within those eyes there was a deep world,a world beyond time.
In the moonlight his face resembled some mask from ancient times. Perhaps my face looked the same?
With that as the starting point, it would naturally expand from there. Something was reaching out a hand- but what was it?— and had flipped a switch inside me. A sort of vague sensation, as if an animal hibernating deep within me had finally recognized that the season had arrived, and slowly brushing aside the cobwebs of sleep.
“The way I see it,” Menshiki said, “there’s a point in everybody’s life where they need a major transformation. And when that time comes you have to grab it by the tail. Grab it hard, and never let go. There are some people who are able to, and others who can’t. Tomohiko Amada was one who could.”
When Claude Debussy had writer’s block while composing an opera, he wrote ‘ Day after day I produce rien— nothingness.’ That summer was the same for me — day after day I took part in producing nothingness. Perhaps I was quite used to facing nothingness day after day — though I wouldn’t go so far as to say we were intimate.
Her Sisters Eyes
My wife’s name was Yuzu,the name of the citrus used in cooking.Sometimes when we were in bed I’d call het Sudachi, a similar type of fruit as a joke.I’d whisper this in her ear. She’d always laugh, but it upset her all the same. “I’m not Sudachi, but Yuzu. They’re similar but not the same,” she’d insist.
There was only a void, and how you are supposed to give form to something that does not exist?
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