Kırdan Bayırdan Hikayeler

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Oldest Kırdan Bayırdan Hikayeler Quotes

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He does not want to commit sins that affect others. On the contrary, the devil always pressures people into this mistake, right?
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Man, you too... Where do you look at the son of Adam and call him "human"? should we say?
Sayfa 134Kitabı okudu
Hacı Memiş'in "Yasin" Tulumu
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I asked Hacı why he had this wild place swept, which they would soon leave. - It suits animals to keep and leave their bed and host place dirty. If you want to learn what kind of a man a nomad is, the purity of his milk, his humanity, go and look at the homeland he abandoned. If you find the place dirty and dirty, do not even greet that man, let alone be his guest; No, it is not expected from him. What can be expected from the animal? First of all, we take a look at the place where we will land and its surroundings. If it is a place left unswept by those who passed before us, we consider that place as unlucky for us and pass to the other side. "Our broom cannot clean the bad luck that has settled there," he said.
Sayfa 120Kitabı okudu
Bizler açıkta yanan çıralar gibiyiz. Kuvvetli bir rüzgâra uğradık mı, özü sakızlı olanlarımız dayanır bu fırtınaya. Sakızı az olanlar da söner gider.
Sayfa 123 - ÖtükenKitabı okudu
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You have my man... Where do you look at the son of Adam and call him "human"? should we say?
Sayfa 126Kitabı okudu
Şeytan Şükran Borcunu Ödedi!
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"Human beings do everything on purpose or out of stupidity, and put the blame on the devil. He commits outrageous acts because of his drunkenness, and in the end he says 'I followed the devil'. He wants to get out of the situation by saying. He pulls out the dagger and the gun and kills people, yet again 'I followed the devil'. He wants to show himself as disabled by saying. He pulls the stick on his wife, who gets a little grumpy, and says 'the devil poked her'. says. He steals and says 'the devil seduced him'. says. What do you want from this poor, innocent devil? The one who put the thousand in front of that ignorant guy, put the dirk and the gun in the hands of that murderer and said 'pull, shoot'. Is it always the devil who says, puts a stick in the hand of that degenerate who robs his wife, puts a pick in the hand of a thief, and puts a pickpocket's hand in someone else's pocket? All of you, big and small, commit a hundred thousand kinds of misdeeds and then blame them all on the devil. Oh, you unjust people... For whom is one devil enough to do these things?
Sayfa 166Kitabı okudu