Kırk Hadis

İmam Nevevi

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9.3Out of 10
122 People · 26 Review
96 syf.
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Nevevi den 40 Hadis
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
İmam Nevevi
İmam Nevevi
, Arab Hadith and Fiqh scholar who lived in the 13th century. Since he was born in the village of Neva in the south of Damascus, his name is Nevevi, meaning Nevalı. He is an important person in the fields of Islamic law and hadith. He died at the age of 44 and wrote more than 40 works. His valuable work is
. In this book, he evaluated the hadiths according to their topics. As for the book
40 Hadis
40 Hadis
; The book I read was published by Beyan Publications. It has a thick cardboard cover and midi size. It is difficult to turn the pages. The page quality and effort are successful. Beyan Publications printed and published the book half in Arabic and half in Turkish, as it does many important works. As for Translator
Halil Günenç
Halil Günenç
: There was a misunderstanding in a few hadiths, but I found their correct translations on the internet. He could have paid a little more attention. As it is known, the most important main source after the verses are the hadiths. Our Prophet (pbuh) gave the good news of great rewards to those who memorized 40 hadiths. Imam Nawavi also set out on this occasion and most of them were written by Bukhari. Like Muslim, he wrote 42 hadiths with many examples from authentic hadiths or hasan hadiths and fulfilled his duty. May Allah (cc) make us among those who are rewarded. Amen. My rating for the book is 8.
40 Hadis
40 Hadisİmam Nevevi · Beyan Yayınları · 2017658 okunma
175 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Bütün hadisler elbette ki altın değerinde hatta altından bile değerli... Allah İmam Nevevi'ye rahmet etsin bu kırk hadisi özenle seçmiş. Sadece okumakla kalmayıp ezberlemeye de gayret gösterirseniz hayatınız boyunca kendinize sağlam yoldaşlar edinmiş olursunuz.
Kırk Hadis
Kırk Hadisİmam Nevevi · Kahraman Yayınları · 2012658 okunma
175 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Her müslümanın okuması ve gönül toprağına hıfz etmesi gereken bir hayat pusulası bu hadisler... Rabb'im anlamayı, yaşamayı ve yaşatmayı nasip etsin.Güzel okumalar temenni ediyorum. “Aşkın lezzetine ermeyeceksem, Ruhumu yoluna sermeyeceksem, Mahşer günü seni görmeyeceksem, Kör olsun bu gözler Ya Rasûlallah.”(sav)
Kırk Hadis
Kırk Hadisİmam Nevevi · Kahraman Yayınları · 2012658 okunma
96 syf.
Not rated
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
His Excellency Imam Nevevi has compiled forty Hadiths from the pearls that flowed from the blessed mouth of our Beloved Prophet, who is an example to us with every deed and word, in Arabic and Turkish. May God bless them. May He grant us the ability to read and act. May he receive the intercession of our Prophet (pbuh). Amine.
40 Hadis
40 Hadisİmam Nevevi · Beyan Yayınları · 2017658 okunma
176 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 8 hours
Kitab Kütüb i sitte den 42 tane hadis içeriyor sahih hadislerden seçilip hazırlanmış bir kitap çok güzel hadisler vardı içinde kitap 176 sayfa olsa da üçte biri kadar aslında arapça ve osmanlıca hadis metni birlikte verildiği için kitabın hacmi artmış çok güzel bir kitaptı keyifle okudum tavsiye ederim.
Kırk Hadis
Kırk Hadisİmam Nevevi · Ravza Yayınları · 2019658 okunma
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