Kısa Süreli Grup Terapileri

Irvin D. Yalom

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Ön cephede savaşan klinisyenler için örneklerle zenginleştirilmiş bu kitap grup psikoterapisini bir adım daha ileri götürüyor. Ağır hastalar için çağdaş çözümler önererek yeni bir tartışma başlatıyor. Yalom klasik grup psikoterapisi tanımına uymayan koşullarda yapılan terapileri sistematize etmeye çalışırken kendi araştırmalarından ve deneyimlerinden yararlanıyor. Terapistin seansı yapılandırırken kullanması gereken teknik ve yöntemlere kökten farklı öneriler getiriyor: Önerilmesi gereken yardımlar, burada ve şimdiye vurgu yapılması ve benzeri tartışmaların ardından iki temel model öneriyor. "Dr. Yalom bir kere daha bugüne kadar el atılmamış bir konuyu ele almış ve artık alıştığımız keyifli üslubuyla işliyor." -More Hertzman, George Washington Üniversitesi- "Bu kitabın da Grup Psikoterapisinin Teori ve Pratiği gibi klasik olacağı kesin." -Ira D. Elick, Cornell Üniversitesi-
Zeliha Babayiğit
Zeliha Babayiğit
Estimated Reading Time: 10 hrs. 51 min.Page Number: 383Publication Date: December 2012First Publication Date: November 1998Publisher: Kabalcı YayıneviOriginal Title: Inpatient Group Psychotherapy
ISBN: 9789758240531Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Irvin D. Yalom
Irvin D. YalomYazar · 37 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Jewish-American psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and author. Yalom, who has the title of professor, retired from Stanford University, has a very rich structure in his field and is the owner of scientific books and novels. Yalom is one of the most important living representatives of existential psychotherapy. He is also the winner of the International Sigmund Freud – Psychotherapy award 2009. Born in Washington, DC, Yalom's family, of Jewish origin, immigrated to the United States from Celtz, a Russian town near the Polish border, shortly after the end of World War I. The person Yalom, who is considered one of the most influential psychoanalysts in the USA, considered as his mentor was Jerome D. Frank. While Yalom pioneered the development of psychoanalysis, which is constantly criticized among psychoanalysts, and at the same time provided a new and better understanding of human psychological disorders with his long but impressive new rehabilitation methods in psychoanalysis, the novels he wrote, full of content specific to the methods he applied, helped him gain a place in the world of literature. Irvin David Yalom is married to social scientist and author Marily Yalom. They had four children from this marriage. He lives in Palo Alto, California. The general metaphor he uses in his writings is psychoanalytic and is intertwined with philosophy. Although the existential method he applied in group therapies is a classical method, Yalom continued it with much more productive findings that prevented it from being deformed in today's psychoanalysis.