(The Fae Universe #1)

Kiss of the Blood Prince

Alessa Thorn

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He had a straight nose, a sharp jawline, and high cheekbones. His scarlet eyes were large and curved slightly upward at the ends. His mouth was the only soft feature he had, with full lips that were stained with blood. The gold cuffs on the tips of his pointed ears flashed as he turned and started to strip off his jacket and shirt. He was somehow bigger without the clothes to hide how muscular he was underneath. Lean and broad shouldered, he radiated strength. Blood had soaked through his clothes, staining his pearl white skin with red smears.
"I love you, infernal human." Elise slipped her arms around his neck. "Fae dick." "You love me and my fae dick," he said, rubbing his nose against hers. "One definitely more than other," Elise replied. She yelped as he picked her up and bit her shoulder. His laughter was a deep rumble in his chest, as he carried her back towards their bedroom. "I love you too," Elise said and kissed him, their bond burning hotter than ever.
Up until that moment, he had been the most significant danger to her. Kian had tried to kill her. He had wanted to hate her. He had fought not to like her. Blood of my enemy. My slave. My salvation…My mate.
Kian's brothers were also exceptional in the handsome and terrifying department. Painted on Kian's right was Bayn with frost patterns decorating his armor, and a crown made of ice on his blue-black hair. He looked like a god of winter, ready to smite at the least provocation. On Kian's left was Killian. He was the tallest of the three with tousled black hair, green eyes, and a grin that promised all kinds of sin. Sable wings rose from his back, with silver talons at their arches. His black armor shone, and a crown of silver stars sat on his hair.
Kian bent his head and put his lips softly to hers. His magic rushed over her tongue, tasting of spring and honey, blood and smoke. A small groan caught in her throat as heat and desire shot up her spine. Elise's mouth tingled, moving against and craving more of him. Kian's hands went to her hips, gripping tight before lifting Elise up on the table. Her legs wrapped around him, holding him close, her hands moving over his chest and into his hair. Kian grabbed Elise's braid and pulled her head back so he could control the kiss, deepening it until her lips and body ached. His tongue brushed up against hers, and Elise was swamped again by the taste of his magic. Her teeth closed on his bottom lip, and a low growl rumbled through Kian's chest.
"It's not that simple. Language belongs to the tongue. I would have to kiss you to do it." Elise's stupid stomach flipped. "Thanks, but I'd rather get eaten by a monster book." "You and me both. You think I want to kiss a disgusting human?" he snarled in her face. "About as much as I want to kiss an arrogant fae dick." "I don't want you anywhere near my dick." "Does it have horns too?" Elise retorted. "You'll never find out."
He, Kian the Blood Prince, had managed the impossible and brought his people from where they had been banished to Faerie and through the stone circle back to Albion. Fifteen hundred years of imprisonment were finally over.
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