Günebakan Üçlemesi #3

Kızıl Ölüm

Gülşah Elikbank

Kızıl Ölüm Quotes

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I'm most afraid of you forgetting me! Do you really forget how I loved you?
Sayfa 259Kitabı okudu
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Every time we go against nature, something changes in the universe. However, we are too incapable of noticing this change. We can only comprehend what has happened after everything has happened.
Sayfa 162 - #ProfilYayıncılıkKitabı okudu
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I'm most afraid of you forgetting me! Do you really forget how I loved you?
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Unfortunately, love does not pursue the truth. It is usually the wrong person who makes your heart beat, and you cling to that mistake as if it were the only truth of life. In love, rights and wrongs go hand in hand, and the best part of this situation is that you do not have to make this distinction.
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Fimes did not deserve to die.
Fimes | Profil Yay.Kitabı okudu