Kürk Mantolu Madonna

Sabahattin Ali

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160 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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Ah Maria...
Çiten çok etkileyici bir romanmış! İlk sayfalarda hadi ya gelsin artık o güzel heyecanlı kısım diye bağrdım resmen içimden. Gerçekten, Raif Efendi gibi biri varmı şimdilerde? İçi dünyasına bu kadar dönük birleri... Maria ve Raif 'nın yaşadığı ilişki çiten çok farklı. Yoları ayrıldıktan sonra Raif 'nin büyle düşünmesi Maria haknda hiç adil değildi ama hangimiz olsa öyle düşünürdü her halde. Ben en çok etkileyen Maria 'nın ölümü ve bir çocuklarının oluşuydu... Bu kitabın sonunu beli bir süre geçene kadar aşamiçam sanrım, beni hep kötü sonlar etkiler zaten. Ah Maria huzur içinde yat. Kesinlikle okunması gereken bir kitap. Okuyan ve okumak isteyen her kese iyi okumalar...
Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Kürk Mantolu MadonnaSabahattin Ali · Halk Kitabevi · 2021316.6k okunma
160 syf.
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Read in 23 days
Harika bir kitaptı Maria puder’de resmen kendimden parçalar buldum, onun kadar katı olmasam da ona benzer hislerimin ve düşüncelerimin kendimde de olduğunu gördüm. Ah raif ne çok üzüldüm ona. Yaşanamamış aşklar öyle üzüyor ki beni. Raif ve maria ne güzel bir ikili olurdu oysa ki. :(
Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Kürk Mantolu MadonnaSabahattin Ali · Halk Kitabevi · 2021316.6k okunma
164 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
This work, which was first published as a book in 1943, was published by Sabahattin Ali as "Big Story" in Hakikat newspaper between 1940 and 1941. It consists of a 48-episode series written under the title. He also made political references to the Turkey of the period, where those who were not well-off could not find jobs in government offices. The subject of the book is the author, who was dismissed from his job as a banker, and gets a job with his old friend Hamdi, with the help of him. His roommate, Raif Efendi, is a neutral-tempered person. He responds calmly to even the most violent events. Raif Efendi, who is living his last days in his sick bed, asks the author to burn the diary he kept. The author says that he will do this only after reading and the story of Madonna in the fur coat begins. Raif is someone who is interested in fine arts. During the war years, his father was worried about the square remaining empty and wanted to send him to school. He will go to Germany and learn the intricacies of soap making and return to Turkey to take over the factory. The painting of Madonna in a fur coat, a portrait of Maria Puder, which he saw at an exhibition in Berlin, involuntarily attracts him. Raif only follows his heart. It is Sabahattin Ali's most read work. Although there are occasionally boring parts, it is generally a fascinating book that can be swallowed in one bite. Since the copyright has already been lifted, you can find it at an affordable price and gift it to your loved ones. I wish you a pleasant reading and thank the 1K team for offering us such a beautiful medium.
Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Kürk Mantolu MadonnaSabahattin Ali · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 2021316.6k okunma
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