Lirik Baladlar

William Wordsworth

Lirik Baladlar Reviews

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lyrical ballads
According to Wordsworth, the romantic poet should be using or reflecting the common language and poet also should be an ordinary man because poet adresses his works to common man. Poetry needs to be simple to understand by common man. As an another feature he says, poetry is an imagery of nature and pleasure with reflecting common feelings but at the same time he needs to create something original. "All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. It means poet at first need to observe, after that recollect, filter and compose. For example in Wordsworth famous work Tintern Abbey, poem starts with "Five years have passed..." after observing tintern abbey he recollect his memory and composed it.
Lirik Baladlar
Lirik BaladlarWilliam Wordsworth · Klaros Yayınları · 202121 okunma