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The coming-of-age story of one of Jamaica Kincaid's most admired creations. Lucy, a teenage girl from the West Indies, comes to North America to work as an au pair for Lewis and Mariah and their four children. Lewis and Mariah are a thrice-blessed couple--handsome, rich, and seemingly happy. Yet, almost at once, Lucy begins to notice cracks in their beautiful facade. With mingled anger and compassion, Lucy scrutinizes the assumptions and verities of her employers' world and compares them with the vivid realities of her native place. Lucy has no illusions about her own past, but neither is she prepared to be deceived about where she presently is. At the same time that Lucy is coming to terms with Lewis's and Mariah's lives, she is also unravelling the mysteries of her own sexuality. Gradually a new person unfolds: passionate, forthright, and disarmingly honest. In Lucy, Jamaica Kincaid has created a startling new character possessed with adamantine clearsightedness and ferocious integrity--a captivating heroine for our time.
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 59 min.Page Number: 176Publication Date: 4 September 2002Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux Publishing
ISBN: 9780374527358Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Jamaica Kincaid
Jamaica KincaidYazar · 20 books
Jamaika Kincaid, bir Antiguan kökenli Amerikalı romancı, denemeci, bahçıvan ve bahçecilik yazarıdır. St John's, Antigua'da Elaine Cynthia Potter Richardson ismiyle doğdu. 1973'te Jamaica Kincaid adını aldı. Çağdaş edebiyatta önemli bir ses olan Jamaika Kincaid kısa kurgu çalışmaları, romanları ve sömürgecilik karşıtı temalar ile anne ve kız arasındaki ilişkiyi araştıran eserleri nedeniyle övgüyle karşılandı.