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After Philip Stenning is involved in a near-fatal plane crash, he feels he owes a debt of gratitude to the man who rescued him. However, his mysterious saviour is an escaped convict, and his determination to help him leads Stenning into a tense and dramatic adventure of intrigue, drug-running and murder.
Nevil Shute
Nevil Shute
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 42 min.Page Number: 272Publication Date: 3 September 2009Publisher: Vintage Classics
ISBN: 9780099530077Language: English

About the Author

Nevil Shute
Nevil ShuteYazar · 16 books
İngiliz yazar ve havacılık mühendisi. Mühendislik kariyerinde tam adını kullanmıştır. Mühendislik kariyerini yazarlık kariyerinin negatif etkilerinden korumak adına romanlarında Nevil Shute adını kullanmıştır.