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Two rival serial killers. One common enemy. Forensic anthropologist Dr. Jack Sorensen is the perfect serial killer. In the bright lights of his public persona he’s a respected scientist, a leader in the field of human decomposition. But in his shadowed secret life he’s a ruthless and elusive killer, unseen by the authorities who have failed to follow his faint trail of destruction. Beautifully cold, brilliant and cruel, Jack wants nothing more than to keep his life captured in his vise-like grip of control. And Jack Sorensen never makes mistakes… …until he underestimates Dr. Kyrie Roth. Wildlife biologist Kyrie is the enemy Jack never noticed, another murderer in his midst. A killer with equal cunning and stealth as the great Jack Sorensen, she knows all his darkest secrets, even the pieces of a past he might have forgotten. Kyrie has created the perfect habitat for her favorite research subject, but she’s finally had enough of being bitten by the beast that lives at Jack’s core. Pushed past her breaking point, Kyrie has decided to do whatever it takes to make Jack suffer. But when Kyrie’s traumatic past descends on her broken oasis, the only person who can help Kyrie banish her painful shadows might just be her greatest enemy. History can’t always be left to decay in a cold grave. Time has a way of thawing secrets, leaving them to shine as bright as bleached bones in the sun. Can Jack and Kyrie set aside their battle and survive a world built to hunt them? Or will they kill each other first?
Trisha Wolfe
Trisha Wolfe
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 28 min.Page Number: 334First Publication Date: 18 March 2023
ISBN: 9798387511607Language: İngilizce

About the Author

Trisha Wolfe
Trisha WolfeYazar · 3 books
USA Today'in en çok satan romantik gerilim yazarı Trisha Wolfe, küçük yaşlardan itibaren hayali dünyalar ve karakterler hayal etti ve kendi kendine konuşmakla suçlandı. Bugün ailesiyle birlikte Güney Carolina'da yaşıyor ve kendi kendine konuşmaya devam etmek için hayali dünyalarını bir bahane olarak kullanarak tam gün yazıyor.