Medici: Das Blut der Königin

Matteo Strukul

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France 1536. Caterina de' Medici has a strong advocate in her father-in-law, Francis I, King of France. But she feels weak because she has not given her husband Henry any offspring. Convinced that she is the victim of a curse, she asks Nostradamus for help. And indeed, she soon becomes pregnant and has a son. When Francis I dies, Henry becomes King of France and Caterina becomes Queen. However, in the flaring up religious war between Catholics and Huguenots, Caterina forges dangerous alliances. The conflict ultimately culminates in the bloody St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. And when her husband Henry II dies shortly afterwards, Caterina is left alone and defenseless...
Estimated Reading Time: 11 hrs. 47 min.Page Number: 416Publication Date: 17 July 2020Publisher: Goldmann Verlag
ISBN: 9783442486649Country: GermanyLanguage: AlmancaFormat: Karton kapak