1-38-ci Gecələr

Min Bir Gecə I. Cild


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1008 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 11 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Shah Shahriar of Iran, who thought that his wife was cheating on him and had her strangled under the influence of this thought, is now an enemy of women. But he does not refrain from making himself happy with a wife every night and having them smother him in the morning. The vizier's daughter, Scheherazade, agrees to marry Shahriar in order to stop the slaughter of women, but this wife of the Shah turns out to be a tough one. How Does? He starts telling the tales, one after the other. Either he gets sleepy, he gets hungry, or he is a human being;) The Shah wonders about the end of the tale and cannot get Scheherazade to drown. Humorous epic tales with interconnected plots; Arab, Turkish, Indian and Persian tales It is a compilation. As can be understood from the reference to Caliph Harun Reşit, it was brought together in the 9th century. Its first translation was made by the French traveler A. Galland between 1704 and 1717, and thus the whole world became aware of the work. Its full translation into Turkish was made in 1851.
Binbir Gece Masalları 1
Binbir Gece Masalları 1Anonim · Alfa Yayınları · 20183,336 okunma
500 syf.
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Read in 6 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
One Thousand and One Nights The stories begin with two rulers named Shahriar and Shahzaman - who are also brothers - learning that they were cheated on by their wives. Shahriyar - the younger brother - is very resentful of this situation and decides to take revenge on his wife and aunt by blaming all the women in the country. His plan is to have
Binbir Gece Masalları Cilt 1/1
Binbir Gece Masalları Cilt 1/1Anonim · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 20203,336 okunma
3264 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 53 days
"İşittim ki ey bahtıgüzel şah....", "Anlatısının burasında Şehrazad, sabahın belirdiğini görerek yavaşça susmuş...", "Ama dört yüz seksen yedinci gece olunca, demiş ki:..." Bunlar, Binbir Gece Masalları'nda en çok tekrarlanan ifadeler; ne hoş ifadeler. 1684 sayfa boyunca ne şahlar, ne güzeller, ne ifritler, ne hilatlar, ne zenginlikler, ne sihirler, ne yemekler okudum. Her hikâye ayrı bir heyecandı. Kitabın çevirmeni Âlim Şerif Onaran inanılması zor bir iş başarmış. Kitabın dili, dipnotları, imla kurallarına uyumu neredeyse kusursuz. Okuduğum bu ilk cilt, sekiz kitaptan oluşuyor. Diğer sekiz kitapsa ikinci ciltte. Bu ilk cildi her gün aralıksız 20-25 sayfa okuyarak dört ayda tamamladım. Okuduğum çeviride, hikâyelerin bazı bölümleri yetişkinler için. Yani adı masal olsa da çocuklar için değil. Darısı ikinci cildin başına.
Binbir Gece Masalları (2 Cilt Takım)
Binbir Gece Masalları (2 Cilt Takım)Anonim · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 20203,336 okunma
100 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.