A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Mirror for Humanity

Conrad Kottak

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There need be no obvious, natural, or necessary connection between the symbol and what it symbolizes. The familiar pet that barks is no more naturally a dog than it is a chien, Hund, or mbwa...
Nowadays, many anthropologists are reluctant to use the term subculture. They feel that the prefix sub-is offensive because it means "below." Subcultures thus may be perceived as "less than" or somehow inferior to a dominant, elite, or national culture.
Most ethnographers try to be objective, accurate, and sensitive in their accounts of other cultures. However, objectivity, sensitivity and a cross-cultural perspective don't mean that anthropologists have to ignore international standards of justice and morality.
At its most extreme, cultural relativism argues that there is no superior, international, or universal morality, that the moral and ethical rules of all cultures deserve equal respect. In the extreme relativist view, Nazi Germany would be evaluated as nonjudgmentally as Athenian Greece.
...our own cultural learning depends on the uniquely developed human capacity to use symbols, signs that have no necessary or natural connection to the things they stand for or signify.
The French anthropologist Pierre Bourdieu views linguistic practices as symbolic capital which properly trained people may convert into economic and social capital. The value of a dialect- its standing in a "linguistic market"-depends on the extent to which it provides access to desired positions in the labor market. In turn, this reflects its legitimation by formal institutions-educational institutions, state, church, and prestige media. Even people who don't use the prestige dialect accept its authority and correctness, its "symbolic domination" (Bourdieu 1982, 1984). Thus, linguistic forms, which lack power in themselves, take on the power of the groups they symbolize. The education system, however (defending its own worth), denies linguistic relativity. It misrepresents prestige speech as being inherently better. The linguistic insecurity often felt by lower-class and minority speakers is a result of this symbolic domination.