Free Will and Moral Responsibility

Moral Psychology


Moral Psychology Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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The science raises more questions than it answers. It is not clear how to interpret the experiments or which philosophical lessons to draw from them. Perhaps this is scientific progress: We can ask more questions, even if we cannot answer them yet.
Sayfa 1 - "neden alana dair çok sorum var ve neden nasıl cevap vereceğimi bilmiyorum" kaygısının cevabıKitabı okudu
Research on moral judgment and behavior suggests that when people make moral judgments, they often act on immediate gut reactions and then their conscious reasoning just comes up with post hoc rationalizations for these gut reactions. Psychologist Roger Shank writes, “ When people try to rationally analyze potential options, their unconscious, emotional thoughts take over and make the choice for them... Decisions are made for us by our unconscious, the conscious [mind] is in charge of making up reasons for those decisions which sound rational ”
Sayfa 18 - kararlarımız rasyonel değil, sadece eylemleri gerçekleştirdikten sonra onları rasyonelize ediyoruz iddaisıKitabı okudu
Those who reject these possibilities typically do so because they take determinism to mean that the agent’s beliefs, desires, and decisions have no effect on what they do. However, determinism does not have those implications — mental states can be causally efficacious even if they are deterministically caused. Determinism means that different causes have different effects; hence, if mental states are part of the causal order, different mental states will cause different behavior. For instance, your deciding to do X was caused by your caring a lot about X; if you had cared less about X, that would have caused you to make a different decision.
Sayfa 7 - determinizm ve özgür irade arasındaki ilişki açılımıKitabı okudu
Psychological processes depend on glucose, in part because neurotransmitters are made from glucose, and brain activity depends on neurotransmitters. Self-control uses glucose. A series of studies by Gailliot et al. (2007) supported three broad conclusions. First, levels of glucose in the bloodstream are reduced by acts of self-control. Second, low levels of blood glucose predict poor performance on tests of self-control while high levels predict better performance. Third, the behavioral effects of ego depletion can be counteracted by giving people a dose of glucose, such as a glass of lemonade — as long as it has been sweetened with sugar rather than diet sweeteners ( Gailliot et al., 2007 ). Lemonade with sugar (and not with Splenda) has also been shown to counteract the effects of ego depletion on irrational choice and decision bias ( Masicampo &Baumeister, 2008 ; McMahon & Scheel, 2010 ). It is somewhat remarkable to think that rational thought — one of the defining and most exalted powers of the human mind — can depend on the recipe of a soft drink.
Sayfa 241 - işte bu yüzden bir psikolog metafizik bilmeli, meta-etik, mantık bilmeli. buradaki basit ve iş gördüğü zannedilen indirgemecilik korkunç.Kitabı okudu
Other animal studies suggest that just being in contact with other social beings is rewarding (Panksepp & Lahvis, 2007), which may explain why macaques will choose to view a video of another macaque more often than a banana-flavored food treat ( Andrews & Rosenblum, 2001 ). The fact that animals are willing to give up primary rewards such as food or juice suggests that social rewards may be more valuable. When faced with a decision between two options, we often choose the one that has the higher value. In this case, it seems like social reward comes out on top.
Sayfa 388 - well, okay.Kitabı okudu
The action is partly influenced by what the person could justify to others if he or she were to be asked to explain. That’s what free will is, perhaps. You consciously thought of the alternative options (perhaps mentally simulating various possible actions and consequences), and you made a choice for a reason that you could potentially explain to others. You use meaning to integrate yourself into the social group. That is what mattered in the evolutionary past (and still does today).
Sayfa 272 - anlam ve conformizm üzerinden free-will açıklamasıKitabı okudu
We found plenty of evidence for conscious causation of behavior (Baumeister, Masicampo, &Vohs, 2011 ). Significant changes in behavior were found as a function of whether people mentally rehearse the action, consciously translate abstract goals into specific plans, mentally simulate the perspectives of others, ruminate or otherwise reflect on recent events, pause to reflect on their personal values and virtues, or engage in a variety of other conscious thoughts. Logical reasoning and even talking appear to require consciousness, so any behaviors based on logical reasoning or talking should be considered to be partly caused by conscious thought. People sometimes use conscious thoughts to override automatic responses such as habits and impulses.
Sayfa 248 - conscious' causation over behaviorsKitabı okudu