Mum ile Pervane

Ali Haydar Haksal

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Türk öykücülüğünün önemli ve üretken isimlerinden Ali Haydar Haksal, odağında “ben” olan, kendi ile konuşan, kendi ile hesaplaşan, kendi ile kavgalı insanları anlattığı öyküleriyle Mum ile Pervane’de okura sesleniyor. Öyküler sadece “ben”i anlatmakla kalmıyor, kahramanların aynasında okur da bu öykülerde kendisine dair izler buluyor, adeta öykülerin kahramanı oluyor. Her okurun kendi hayatının bir kesitinden an’lar bulacağı Mum ile Pervane, Haksal’ın öykü serüveninin “şimdilik” en yeni durağı....
Necla Tunçman
Necla Tunçman
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 59 min.Page Number: 176Publication Date: March 2018Publisher: İz Yayıncılık
ISBN: 9786053263012Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Ali Haydar Haksal
Ali Haydar HaksalYazar · 42 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born in Bingöl in 1951. He graduated from the Department of Turkish Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters in Erzurum. He completed his master's degree at Marmara University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Islamic Thought. He prepared a thesis on "The Concept of Beauty in the Holy Quran". He was among the founders of Yedi Ilim magazine with a group of friends. Ali Haydar Haksal; He reviewed his first works in local newspapers and magazines. His stories were published in magazines and newspapers such as Mavera, Yönelişler, İslam, Kaylar, Yedi Iklim, Hece, Yansıma, Yeni Devir, Milli Gazete. He works as a columnist in Milli Gazete. He received the second prize in the 1987 Turkish Writers Association Award with his story book "My Voice is Not Enough for Me" and the Tuzla Municipality Novel Competition with his novel "The Journal of Lost Life" in 1987.