Other Stories

Notes From Underground

Fyodor Dostoyevski
Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky’s short fiction. Many of these stories, like his great novels, reveal his special sympathy for the solitary and dispossessed, explore the same complex psychological issues and subtly combine rich characterization and philosophical meditations on the (often) dark areas of the human psyche, all conveyed in an idiosyncratic blend of deadly seriousness and wild humour. In Notes from Underground, the Underground Man casually dismantles utilitarianism and celebrates in its stead a perverse but vibrant masochism. A Christmas Tree and a Wedding recounts the successful pursuit of a young girl by a lecherous old man. In Bobok, one Ivan Ivanovitch listens in on corpses gossiping in a cemetery and ends up deploring their depravity. In A Gentle Spirit, the narrator describes his dawning recognition that he is responsible for his wife’s suicide. In short, as a commentator on spiritual stagnation, Dostoevsky has no equal. Other works include: (1846) Mr. Prokharchin (1847) The Landlady (1847) Novel in Nine Letters (1848) Another Man's Wife and a Husband under the Bed (1848) A Weak Heart (1848) Polzunkov (1848) An Honest Thief (1848) A Christmas Tree and a Wedding (1848) White Nights (1849) A Little Hero (1859) Uncle’s Dream (1862) A Nasty Story (1864) Notes from Underground (1865) The Crocodile (1873) Bobok (1876) The Heavenly Christmas Tree (1876) A Gentle Creature (1876) The Peasant Marey (1877) The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Estimated Reading Time: 20 hrs. 24 min.Page Number: 720First Publication Date: 1863Publisher: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781840225778Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLanguage: English

Comments and Reviews

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720 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
This is the third book which I have read that has been written by Dostoevsky, I have always found him to be an overrated writer.. His literary style, I would say is good enough but I have finally understood what makes Fyodor Dostoevsky such a genius creative person.. it is his foresight, his absolute and immaculate understanding of the human mind and psych... I have read far more interesting literary texts and styles than this, however I have never been able to understand the unalloyed facts and side of human's nature until I came across this book and white nights.. In short.. I am delighted that I have fought my obduracy and decided to finally read the Russian writer's books.. I am more than thrilled to feast my eyes on his other work..
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Notes From Underground
Notes From UndergroundFyodor Dostoyevski · Wordsworth · 0129.5k okunma
140 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
yalnız insanların başucu eseri. dostoyevski bu romanında insanların beyin kıvrımlarında neşter dolaştırıyor diyebiliriz. kulak verin dostoyevski'ye, o insanlık adına tüm gerçekleri söyleme cesaretini gösteriyor. insanlık...hani şu kibrinden geçilmeyen, hani şu her şeyi bildiğini sanan, hani şu sen, ben, bizler, hepimiz... kafası karışık bir
Yeraltından Notlar
Yeraltından NotlarFyodor Dostoyevski · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2020129.5k okunma
152 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
Mantığın Mantıksızlığı ve Felsefi Bir Bakış Açısı: Varoluşçuluk
Gözlemlediğim kadarıyla pek çok kişi bu kitabı yarım bırakmış veyahut bir şey anlamadığını öne sürerek beğenmediğini dile getirmiş. Ben de bu karmaşıklığa bir nebze de olsa açıklık getirme amacı ile bir inceleme yazmak istedim.
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Fyodor Dostoyevski
külliyatı kronolojik okuma maratonumun 11. kitabı olan
Yeraltından Notlar
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’ı iki gün önce bitirdim. Ama ben mi kitabı bitirdim
Yeraltından Notlar
Yeraltından NotlarFyodor Dostoyevski · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2020129.5k okunma
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