Ölmeden Önce Bir İz Bırak

Muhammed Salih El-Müneccid

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Among the deeds, the deed that has the most rewards and the most pleasing to Allah Almighty and closest to His consent is the deed. It is a deed that benefits others as well. Because the rewards, rewards and benefits of an action that benefits others reach not only the person who does it, but also other people and even other living beings. In this way, the benefit of the deed encompasses everyone. One of these deeds is the one that will benefit you when you are alone in the grave. Therefore, what a Muslim must do, before leaving this world, is to leave behind a legacy (sadaqah-i jariya) from which both people can benefit in this world and in the grave. As a matter of fact, Allah Almighty said it so beautifully: "Whatever goodness you send forward for yourself, you will find it with Allah as a greater goodness and a greater reward. Ask Allah for forgiveness. Surely Allah is most forgiving, most merciful." (Muzammil 20)
Estimated Reading Time: 3 hrs. 24 min.Page Number: 120Publication Date: May 2016Publisher: Guraba Yayınları
ISBN: 9786059301299Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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