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"Why don't you say a single kind word to me?" he would say. I would be silent. If he hadn't gone, he would have known... I wrote it page after page. Even when I was leaving, I told him I loved him. Maybe he remembered that he was my soul, so that he wouldn't hurt me. After all, taking a person's life was not an easy, ordinary thing... But he ignored my words and stepped forward without even looking back. Every step he took seemed to trample my heart and opened new wounds inside me. It opened new wounds and created an indescribable emptiness inside me. We were half done with his departure... However, before I knew him, I was half done and I thought I was finished with his arrival. But once again he misled me... Some go, leaving behind pain and suffering. Some go, leaving behind tears that they cannot hide even in the rain. Some people leave, leaving behind memories that cannot be forgotten, and the more they remember, the more painful they become. And he left... He left behind a book...
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 41 min.Page Number: 236Publication Date: 2015Publisher: Xan Nəşriyyatı
Country: AzerbaijanLanguage: AzericeFormat: Karton kapak

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