Yurtta ve Dünyada İlliberal Demokrasi

Özgürlüğün Geleceği

Fareed Zakaria

En Eski Özgürlüğün Geleceği Sözleri ve Alıntıları

En Eski Özgürlüğün Geleceği sözleri ve alıntılarını, en eski Özgürlüğün Geleceği kitap alıntılarını, etkileyici sözleri 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Eski düzende bir şarkıcının şöhreti onu kimin dinlediğine bağlıydı. Şimdi ise şöhretin anahtarı kaç kişinin onu beğendiğine bağlıdır. Nicelik, nitelik haline dönmüştür.
Dünyanın her yerinde genelde referandumlarla yeniden seçilen veya yeniden onaylanan, demokratik seçimlerle göreve gelmiş yönetimler, iktidarları üzerindeki anayasal kısıtlamaları görmezden gelip vatandaşlarını en temel haklarından mahrum bırakıyorlar.
Birleşik Devletler’in yurt dışında sıkça sınırsız demokrasiyi savunması biraz tuhaftır. Amerikan sisteminin ayırt edici özelliği ne kadar demokratik olduğu değil, seçmen kitlelerinin üzerine koyduğu birçok kısıtlamalar nedeniyle, ne kadar demokratik olmadığıdır.
Ancak geçmişini anlayarak özgürlüğün geleceğini güven altına alabiliriz.
More to the point, Greece was not the birthplace of liberty as we understand it today. Liberty in the modern world is first and fore- most the freedom of the individual from arbitrary authority, which has meant, for most of history, from the brute power of the state. It implies certain basic human rights: freedom of expression, of associ ation, and of worship, and rights of due process. But ancient liberty, as the enlightenment philosopher Benjamin Constant explained, meant something different: that everyone (actually, every male citizen) had the right to participate in the governance of the community. Usually all citizens served in the legislature or, if this was impractical, legislators were chosen by lottery, as with American juries today. The people's assemblies of ancient Greece had unlimited powers. An individual's rights were neither sacred in theory nor protected in fact. Greek democracy often meant, in Constant's phrase, "the subjection of the individual to the authority of the community." Recall that in the fourth century B.C. in Athens, where Greek democracy is said to have found its truest expression, the popular assembly-by democratic vote-put to death the greatest philosopher of the age because of his teachings. The execution of Socrates was democratic but not liberal.
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Singapore's brilliant patriarch Lee Kuan Yew once explained to me that if you want to see how culture works, compare the performance of German workers and Zambian workers anywhere in the world. You will quickly come to the conclusion that there is something very different in the two cultures that explains the results. Scholars make similar arguments: in his interesting work Tribes, Joel Kotkin argues that if you want to succeed economically in the modern world, the key is simple-be Jewish, be Indian, but above all, be Chinese.
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