
Carlo Collodi

Pinocchio Quotes

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"Gözleri her zaman yarı uykulu olan zavallı Pinokyo, yanmış ayaklarını henüz fark etmemişti; babasının sesini duyar duymaz tabureden atlayıp koşup kazığı çekti. İki veya üç yalpalamanın ardından yere düştü. Ve yere çarptığında, beşinci kattan düşen bir çuval kepçenin çıkaracağı sesin aynısını çıkardı. –Açın benim için! Geppetto sokaktan bağırıyordu. – Babam, yapamam, Kukla ağlayarak ve yere yuvarlanarak cevap verdi. – Sen neden yapamıyorsun? – Çünkü ayaklarımı yediler. – Peki onları kim yedi? – Kedi, – dedi Pinokyo, kedinin ön patileriyle talaşları dans ettirerek eğlendiğini gördü.
But remember that fine clothes do not make the man unless the be neat and clean.
"If the others are to be let out of prison, I will go also," said Pinocchio to the jailor. "No, not you," said the jailor, "because you do not belong to the fortunate class." "I beg your pardon," replied Pinocchio, "I am also a criminal." "In that case you are perfectly right," said the jailor, and, taking off his hat and bowing to him respectfully, he opened the prison doors and let him escape. ____ "Diğer mahpuslar serbest bırakılıyorsa benim de çıkmam lazım" dedi pinokyo gardiyana. "Hayır, sen değil" dedi gardiyan, "çünkü sen talihliler arasında değilsin" Pinokyo, "Afedersiniz ama" diye cevapladı, "ben de pekala bir suçluyum." "Bu durumda pekala haklısın" dedi gardiyan, şapkasını çıkarıp onu saygıyla selamladıktan sonra sıvışması için hapishanenin kapısını açtı.
talking cricket
Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home!
Sayfa 16 - karbon kitaplarKitabı okudu
Poverty, when it is real poverty, is understood by everybody—even by boys. _ Yoksulluk, gerçek yoksulluk olduğunda, herkes tarafından anlaşılır -çocuklar tarafından bile.
Help! help! Oh, how unfortunate I am! Will nobody come to save me?" "Who do you think could save you, unhappy wretch?" said a voice in the dark that sounded like a guitar out of tune. "Who is speaking?" asked Pinocchio, frozen with terror. "It is I! I am a poor Tunny who was swallowed by the Dog-Fish at the same time that you were. And what fish are you?" "I have nothing in common with fish. I am a puppet."
"Where shall we meet again?" "Who can say? It is better not even to think of it!"
Where could you find a better country for us boys? There are no schools there; there are no masters; there are no books. In that delightful land nobody ever studies. On Saturday there is never school, and every week consists of six Saturdays and one Sunday. Only think, the autumn holidays begin on the first of January and finish on the last day of December. That is the country for me! That is what all civilized countries should be like!"
"I didn't let myself be swallowed; it was the monster swallowed me! And now, what are we to do here in the dark?" "Resign ourselves and wait until the Dog-Fish has digested us both." "But I do not want to be digested!" howled Pinocchio, beginning to cry again. "Neither do I want to be digested," added the Tunny; "but I am enough of a philosopher to console myself by thinking that when one is born a Tunny it is more dignified to die in the water than in oil." "That is all nonsense!" cried Pinocchio. "It is my opinion," replied the Tunny, "and opinions, so say the political Tunnies, ought to be respected."
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