Requiem for a Wren

Nevil Shute

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The mysterious death of a young woman on an Australian farm reveals a bittersweet story of doomed wartime romance amidst a family crisis. Alan Duncan returns to his family home in Australia after the war and several years of study in England. But his homecoming is marred by the mysterious suicide of his parents' quiet and reliable parlour-maid. A search through her belongings in search of clues leads to heartbreaking revelations about the woman's identity, the death of Alan's brother Bill and, above all, the disappearance of his brother's fiancée, Janet.
Nevil Shute
Nevil Shute
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 42 min.Page Number: 272Publication Date: 3 September 2009Publisher: Vintage Classics
ISBN: 9780099530237Language: English

About the Author

Nevil Shute
Nevil ShuteYazar · 16 books
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