Rick and Morty 14

C. J. Cannon

En Beğenilen Rick and Morty 14 Sözleri ve Alıntıları

En Beğenilen Rick and Morty 14 sözleri ve alıntılarını, en beğenilen Rick and Morty 14 kitap alıntılarını, etkileyici sözleri 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Wow, I can't believe all of that happened in another timeline with another Rick and Morty in the head of another Rick and Morty from another time line!
Sayfa 22 - MortyKitabı okudu
Tost hakkında hiç böyle düşünmemiştim
I don't even like toast. It's just double-cooked bread.
Sayfa 6 - RickKitabı okudu
- Jerry. Stop it! - Stop what, Beth? The fulfillment of man's ultimate ambition to kill god?
It was kind of an experiment to see if I could make the most useless thing in the universe perfect.
- You see, for generations our people have been at war. At great and terrible cost. Over those generations it has become necessary to... Re-frame that conflict into one that's more... - Malleable? - ... to our goals. Progress, lad. Progress comes from a steady and dependable economy. And what drives an economy better than war? But the question then becomes: What drives that war? - Belief! - Blind faith that differs vitally from your neighbor's. Soon it will drive you to build a wall. Behind which you'll build any number of things that you believe your enemy is also building. - Competition! - Progress, a robust economy, a healthy working middle class. And if that middle class must be fed into that conflict, or a few... - ... one or two... - ... or more, star systems are turned under the boot of that progress... Well, that's just life. - And how better to give life context than faith?