Ruhun Tutkuları

René Descartes

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7.7Out of 10
275 People · 64 Review
173 syf.
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Read in 12 days
Ruhun Tutkuları
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I love philosophical and thought books because they allow me to add and improve myself. One of them is the work Passions of the Soul. At first I had difficulty understanding it, but as I continued, I became able to understand it, and Descartes' thoughts on emotions and passions led me to change some things in my life. I am a very emotional person, and Descartes kind of showed me how to control my emotions and shape them. He described the emotions in such a way that it was as if he was describing me, I constantly found myself in the work and I made a decision that my emotions will not control me, I will control them. This was my favorite book and it was very useful. It is one of the rare books that everyone should read, in short, this work. Have a good read in advance.
Ruhun Tutkuları
Ruhun TutkularıRené Descartes · Say Yayınları · 20141,231 okunma
173 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 13 days
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It explains in minute detail the developments in the body and its reactions to the situations in our lives. It describes physiological changes in many situations such as grief, disgust, joy.... As a healthcare professional, I found the information he provided very meaningful. I didn't look at the century in which the author lived until the book was finished, but when I learned that he lived in the 16th century, I was very surprised that he had such information. It is definitely worth reading. I wish you a good reading.
Ruhun Tutkuları
Ruhun TutkularıRené Descartes · Say Yayınları · 20141,231 okunma
173 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Kitabı iki sene önce okumuştum. Elime alıp bir şeyler hatırlayamayınca tekrar okumaya başladım ve bir haftada bitirebildim. Ruhun Tutkuları’nda, Descartes’in tüm çabası bence her bir duygunun kökeninin nedensel açıklamasını vermektir. Açıklamaların bazılarına bakacak olursak “Klasik bir tanımlama” diyebilir, eserin 16. Yüzyıl’da kaleme
Ruhun Tutkuları
Ruhun TutkularıRené Descartes · Say Yayınları · 20141,231 okunma
173 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Kitabın ilk bölümlerinde ruh-beden ilişkisi üzerine tıbbi tanımlar var.Ruhla bedenimizdeki organlar arasındaki ilişkiler beyindeki bir bez aracılığıyla sağlanıyormuş...Daha sonraki bölümlerde aşk,nefret,kin,öfke,sevinç vb. tüm duyguların teorik olarak tanımlarını ve nasıl oluştuklarını tek tek açıklamış Rene Descartes...Hani bilgisayarı çok rahat kullanırsınız fakat teorik olarak sınavına girdiğinizde zorlanırsınız ya aynen onun gibi her zaman hissettiğimiz duygularımızın tanımlarını okumak daha farklı oluyor.o yüzde kitabı sakin zamanlarınızda okumanızı ö kadar sindirerek okursak o kadar altı çizilecek yeri artıyor kitabın. Rene Descartes bu eseriyle duygularımız üzerine düşünmeye çağırıyor bizleri..
Ruhun Tutkuları
Ruhun TutkularıRené Descartes · Say Yayınları · 20141,231 okunma
173 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 18 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
All the good and evil in this life depends solely on passions. Moreover, the soul can also have its own pleasures. But as for the pleasures common to the body, these depend entirely on the passions; So much so that the people they excite the most are the ones who can taste the pleasures of this life the most. It is also true that they encounter the greatest pain when they do not know how to use their passions well and when their fortunes go wrong. But wisdom is essentially useful in this regard; it teaches us to control the passions and use them skillfully in such a way that the evils they cause become bearable and even a share of joy can be derived from them.
Ruhun Tutkuları
Ruhun TutkularıRené Descartes · Say Yayınları · 20141,231 okunma
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