Sahnenin Dışındakiler

Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar

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376 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 5 days
Sadece tiksiniyordum: insandan, tabiattan, eşyadan! (Okumadan ölmeyin)
"Ne içindeyim zamanın, Ne de büsbütün dışında; Yekpare, geniş bir ânın Parçalanmaz akışında." Gururla söyleyebilirim: "Bu dünyadan bir
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar
geçti ve ben onu okuma şerefine nail oldum." Bazı yazarlar vardır, geç tanırsın. Bazıları da vardır ki, geç tanımanın daha kötüsü: yanlış tanımak... Geçtiğimiz yıllarda çok sevdiğim,
Sahnenin Dışındakiler
Sahnenin DışındakilerAhmet Hamdi Tanpınar · Dergah Yayınları · 20192,796 okunma
376 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 7 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Tanpınar's books are progressing very slowly for me. I can say that it gets a little tiring, so I take breaks and read books in between. I wanted to start with the 'river' trilogy because it is among the authors whose collection I would like to complete. I have finished the second book of the series and after taking a break, I am thinking of continuing with the next book, 'Peace'. Even though Those Outside the Stage was longer in terms of pages than Mahur Beste, I could read it more easily. It has a more fluid plot. In this work of Tanpınar, all the characters have distinct characteristics. Cemal, Sabiha, İhsan, you learn something different from each of them. Tanpınar touches completely different lives with his unique humor. We can see the social life of the period from different perspectives. We read about Istanbul in the 1920s, through Cemal's eyes, during the War of Independence. We also witness his search for Sabiha, the woman he loves. The character Cemal takes you on a journey between present and past memories. Tanpınar is difficult to read, but once you get used to it, it's easy to read. Continue reading to get to know and understand Tanpınar better.. *There were other happy nations in the world. Their young people at our age were not at all preoccupied with the issue of "to be and not to be" as we are at this moment. They were thinking about love and sports, they were busy with the natural desires and issues of their age, and they were working by taking advantage of the opportunities of an established life. We were thinking about the possibilities of living in a very devastated country that was left as small as a handful. *We first learn words; Then, as you experience it, you will learn its meanings one by one...
Sahnenin Dışındakiler
Sahnenin DışındakilerAhmet Hamdi Tanpınar · Dergah Yayınları · 20192,796 okunma
343 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Haddimiz Olmayarak :))
Tanpınar’ın Mahur Beste, Sahnenin Dışındakiler ve Huzur kitaplarını daha önceden okumuştum. Yaklaşık 5 yıl önceydi. Herhalde okuduğum 5-10 kitaptan birkaçı da bu kitaplardır. O dönem bu kitapları okurken çok yorulmuştum, bunalmıştım. Okuduktan sonra 5-6 ay elime kitap alamadım desem abartmış olmam. Tanpınar gibi Türk Edebiyatının kallavi
Sahnenin Dışındakiler
Sahnenin DışındakilerAhmet Hamdi Tanpınar · Dergah Yayınları · 20192,796 okunma
100 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.