Sarı Odanın Esrarı

Gaston Leroux

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Hayatlarını bilime adamış olan Prof Stangersın ve kızı bilimsel çalışmalarını sürdürebilmek için Fransa'da bir şatoya yerleşirler. Yaşamaya karar verdikleri bu yeni yerde herkes kendi özel dünyasını yaratmış, gelecekle ilgili planlarını kurmuştur. Matmazel Stangersın şatodaki sarı odasında sukünet içindeki hayatını sürdürürken bu mutluluğu bir anda bitiriverir, kimliği belirsiz biri ya da birileri imkansız görünse de genç kadının odasına girer ve onu öldürmeye çalışır. Bu olay korku ve gerilim dolu günlerin başlangıcı olur. Defalarca tekrarlanacak olan bu nedensiz saldırılar sır dolu beraberinde getirir. Artık hayatta kalabilmenin tek yolu bir dedektife bağlıdır. Şatoya gelen bu yeni kişi, iz peşine düşer, ama onun peşinden gelen anılar genç kadınınkilerle çakışmaktadır. Ne yazık ki aydınlanacağı sanılan korkunun gölgesi şimdi daha da koyulaşmıştır.
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 21 min.Page Number: 224Publication Date: 2019Publisher: Ezr Yayınları
ISBN: 9780200379656Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

Reader Profile of the Book

Kadın% 70.4
Erkek% 29.6
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25-34 Yaş
35-44 Yaş
45-54 Yaş
55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş

About the Author

Gaston Leroux
Gaston LerouxYazar · 4 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Gaston Leroux spent his school years writing novels inspired by the works of Aleandre Dumas and Itor Hugo. Leroux studied and worked in Law just to please his father. After his father's death, he left his job and started working as a reporter for several newspapers and traveling the world. Around this time, he began to publish several of his novels in serial form. He wrote his work The Phantom of the Opera (1910) out of interest in the Palais Garnier Opera House and said that the subject of this work was a real mysterious event. The Phantom of the Opera was later made into a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and adapted into films many times. He is also the author of novels such as The Mystery of the Yellow Room, which is considered one of the beginnings of detective fiction. With The Mystery of the Yellow Room, the style of locked room murder begins in detective novels, that is, the story of a murder committed in a room that is impossible to enter or exit, and eventually the murderer being caught by a detective or a clever amateur. In addition, due to his profession, he was forced to watch the executions of some criminals and publish them in the newspaper where he worked, and watching these executions affected him. This influence can also be seen in writing in his novels.