Sea of Strangers

Lang Leav

Sea of Strangers Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Sea of Strangers sözleri ve alıntılarını, Sea of Strangers kitap alıntılarını, Sea of Strangers en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Bu alıntı da güzel, çok güzel.
“When I was five I asked my mother about love. She scooped me into her arms and spun me around, her laughter filling up the room. She said love was like a red, round balloon; there was a part of you that wanted to hold on to it, a part of you that longed to see it soar into the big, open sky. At ten, I asked my mother again about love. A soft smile played on her lips when she said love was like a drowsy kitten that came to you, unbidden, crawled into your lap, and made you the center of its world. The day I turned twenty, I dared to ask my mother one last time about love. She tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and held my young, hopeful face between her gentle hands. Her eyes were raw with longing when she answered, love is a dormant volcano, lying in wait, biding its time.”
"If I have learned anything this year, it's that I won't ever be ready for what life throws at me. I will never be adequately prepared." Çeviri: "Eğer bu yıl bir şey öğrendiysem, o da hayatın üstüme attıklarına asla hazır olamayacağımdır. Asla yeteri kadar hazır olamayacağım."
e-kitap olarak okuyorum.
Çok güzel değil mi bu alıntı?
“Some people are made like the string of a kite, loose and free, like a bird riding the wind. Some people are made like the hard, brittle rope of a mountaineer, strong, steady, infallible. And then there are the ones who are like the strings of a violin, delicate and ethereal. Strung tight and taut, ready to snap. But when they sing, there is no other sound more haunting or beautiful.”
Alıntının mükemmelliği...
To Myself, Ten Years Ago : “You won’t believe what I see from this vantage point, the years stretching out before you like a long and winding road. I don’t want to scare you, but there is a forest just up ahead. One so dense and dark, the sunlight won’t reach you for awhile. You will wander lost, in this long, perilous night, not knowing if it will ever come to an end. But believe me, the light will find you again, and when it does, you will no longer be afraid of the dark. Stop to catch your breath. Soon, a jagged mountain will rise before you, so steep it will make you want to turn back around. Don’t despair; the first foothold is always the most difficult and every inch you claim of that cold, hard precipice will make you stronger. Before you know it, the ground will level out beneath you, and you will look back to see you had conquered what you once thought impossible. See that turn just up ahead? That’s the place where love will meet you, with arms so warm it will melt away the winter in an instant. And then, it will be summer for a very long time.”
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"My soul keeps wishing to be noticed, to be valued; to be understood." Çeviri: "Ruhum fark edilmeyi, değer verilmesini; anlaşılmayı istemeye devam ediyor."
e-kitap olarak okuyorum.
“What we once knew as conversation, we now know as poetry. When once we made love with our words, we now make words with our love.”
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