Selected Stories

Katherine Mansfield

Selected Stories Quotes

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atma henryyyyyy
... “I believe it must be the Spring. I believe I’ve swallowed butterfly—and it’s fanning its wings just here.” He put his hand on his heart.
atma ziyaKitabı okudu
... ‘you know, and I feel as if I’d known you for years.’
tabi canım kesin öyledirKitabı okudu
The sun hung in the faded blue sky like a burning mirror, and away beyond the paddocks the blue mountains quivered and leapt like sea.
Sayfa 24 - Oxford World’s ClassicsKitabı okudu
“I am always conscious of this secret disruption in me.”
Oxford Worlds ClassicsKitabı okudu
You see, it’s so frightfully difficult when you’ve nobody. You’re so at the mercy of things. You can’t just be rude.
Sayfa 312Kitabı okudu
‘It’s so— so extraordinary, she said.’So suddenly, you know, and I feel as if I’d known you for years.’ ‘So do I. . . . ‘ said Henry. ‘I believe it must be the Spring. I believe I’ve swallowed butterfly—and it’s fanning its wings just here.’ He put his hand on his heart.
Sayfa 34 - Oxford World’s ClassicsKitabı okudu
What can you do if you are thirty and, turning the corner of your own street, you are overcome, suddenly, by a feeling of bliss— absolute bliss!—as thought you’d suddenly swallowed a bright piece of that late afternoon sun and it burned in your bosom, sending out a little shower of sparks into every particle, into every finger and toe?...
Sayfa 17 - Oxford World’s ClassicsKitabı okudu
‘It’s the people that make things so—silly. As long as you can keep away from them you’re safe and you’re happy.’
Sayfa 35 - Oxford World’s ClassicsKitabı okudu
“We see death in life as we see death in a flower that is fresh unfolded.”
Oxford World’s ClassicsKitabı okudu
Why does one feel so different at night? Why is it so exciting to be awake when everybody is asleep? Late— it is very late! And yet every moment you feel more and more wakeful, as though you were slowly, almost with every breath, waking up into a new, wonderful, far more thrilling and exciting world than the daylight one?
Sayfa 311Kitabı okudu
Why did the photographs of dead people always fade so? wondered Josephine. As soon as a person was dead their photograph died too.
Sayfa 247 - Oxford World’s ClassicsKitabı okudu
She hugged her folded arms and began to laugh silently. How absurd life was—it was laughable, simply laughable. And why this mania of hers to keep alive at all? For it really was a mania, she thought, mocking and laughing.
Sayfa 116 - Oxford World’s ClassicsKitabı okudu
"What is it, what is it?" "Why" said the woman, "it's the sea" "Will it hurt us-is it coming?" "No, it does not come to us". "You are sure it cannot come" little girl said
How pearl button was kidnapped adlı hikayedenKitabı okudu