Sevgi Reviews

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8Out of 10
118 People · 23 Review
200 syf.
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Bu kitabı çocukken okumuştum. Fakat bazı kitapları tekrar okumak istiyor insan. o dönemde demek ki okumam işe yaramış. Tekrar okuduğumda kitaptaki herseyi hayatta uyguladığımı fark ettim. Profesör Leo üniversitede ders olarak işlediği sevgiyi anlatıyor bu kitabında. Mutlaka okunacak listenize ekleyin.
SevgiLeo Buscaglia · İnkilap Kitabevi · 1991572 okunma
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Sevgiye dair birçok kitap var fakat ben bu kitabı okumayı düşünüyorum şimdiden tavsiye ederim. Insani hayata bağlayan duygunun adı sevgiydi her çağda şimdi de öyle.Allah cc herkese hak ettiği sevgiyi versin.Amin
SevgiLeo Buscaglia · İnkilap Kitabevi · 1991572 okunma
200 syf.
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Kendini sevmeyi ,çevreni sevmeyi ve hayata dair dürüst ve açık olmayı hatırlatan bunun üzerine güzel bir iç yolculuk yapmanıza rehber bir kitap. Kendinize doğru bir yolculuk yapmak isterseniz bir rehber olarak bu kitabı tercih edebilirsiniz.
SevgiLeo Buscaglia · İnkilap Kitabevi · 1991572 okunma
200 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Selamun aleykum :) Writer Leo F. Buscaglia's "love" relationship began with the suicide of his female student in 1969. Starts giving courses. The main purpose of this book created by the author is "What does love mean". While reading this book, I learned how great the impact of a single word (love) can have on our lives. This 5-letter word has meanings such as pleasure, death, altruism, loneliness, etc. The fact that it extends to many topics reveals how wide-ranging this word is. Author Leo Buscaglia's support of his explanations with aphorisms, research and articles also glorifies the word love, allowing the reader to understand it easily and permanently without getting bored. In this book, the share of love in our goals and our true self is so much that it has become impossible to see it in this technological age we live in. However, a small touch, a small smile, even a little effective communication is simple enough to put love in every corner of our lives. Everyone has become an egoistic, blind person who cannot see the beauty in the other person by labeling each other with their shortcomings or excesses. Why do human beings choose war, evil and hatred when everything is so easy? I would like to say goodbye with a small saying :) "Still we are one, you and I. We endure events together and exist together. And we will always make each other up." – Theilard de Chardin Stay with love...
SevgiLeo Buscaglia · İnkılap Kitabevi · 2020572 okunma
200 syf.
Not rated
Read in 6 days
Sizce sevgi nedir?
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
"To love others, you must first love yourself." It is definitely a book that does not deserve to be read so little. What is love? Please don't say that love is effort. What does love really mean to you? Its place in my heart is already clear, so I won't comment on it, but I realized its importance for the first time in this book. What the hell is this love? Do you think love can prevent an individual who attempts suicide? Frankly, I don't know. This is also in this book. He gave love lessons after his student committed suicide. Isn't it too impressive? I am sure that our nation has no idea what the concept of love is. I'm going crazy saying "I love you" All of his sentences are absolute lies. We have forgotten the essence of this feeling so much that we say "I love you" to someone we see on the road. This empty self of ours continues to live with the feeling of emptiness we feel when we say: These words of love that you say easily and find cliché can affect someone's life. So it wasn't that cliché and simple, right? In short, love and be loved by those who deserve everything, starting with yourself. This can include not only people, but also a flower or a food. Love, be loved.
SevgiLeo Buscaglia · İnkılap Kitabevi · 2020572 okunma
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