Hz.Muhammed (S.A.V)

Sevgili Peygamberim

Muzaffer Aktürk

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This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
“Suddenly, everything was illuminated...” Our beloved Prophet and his friends In the streets of Mecca where the companions lived do you want to walk? the ages of our Lord will surround our world with their illuminating messages. How about learning values? This will draw you in Sometimes you will be surprised by the story, Sometimes you will get emotional. of our pain, our joys, the past and our future In short, everything is with Him. a striking meaning You will see it this way! Come on, excitement together on a journey full of let's go...
Estimated Reading Time: 5 hrs. 40 min.Page Number: 200Publisher: Anadolu Gençlik Derneği
ISBN: 9786055091323Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

Reader Profile of the Book

Kadın% 69.2
Erkek% 30.8
0-12 Yaş
13-17 Yaş
18-24 Yaş
25-34 Yaş
35-44 Yaş
45-54 Yaş
55-64 Yaş
65+ Yaş