Shattered Reality

Lisamarie Kade

About Shattered Reality

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Only the strong will survive . . . Scarlett Ward is a stripper with a heartbreaking past and a bleak future. Until a chance meeting with Spencer turns her world upside down. She’s drawn to him, to the way he makes her feel and the pleasure he brings to her body. But there are things he doesn’t know, things that could make him back away from her if he found out.Spencer Worthington has never felt like this for anyone before. Scarlett, with her sassy mouth and flashes of vulnerability, has managed to make him fall for her. And while he delights in finding out more about her, there’s a familiarity that makes him wonder—and fear the answer.When secrets surface and betrayals come to light, choices must be made. Will Scarlett and Spencer be able to weather the storm of destruction? Or will the truth force them apart?
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 58 min.Page Number: 246First Publication Date: 31 January 2024Publisher: Kade Publishing
ISBN: 9798985159974Language: İngilizce

About the Author

Lisamarie Kade
Lisamarie KadeYazar · 0 books
Lisamarie Kade is a romance author living in the sunshine state with her husband and small army of children. When not writing, she can be found chasing the kids around or volunteering for one of their many activities. Lisamarie enjoys chocolate peanut butter cups, music, and reading something steamy while sipping sweet wine.