She-Kadın Psikolojisini Anlamak

Robert A. Johnson

She-Kadın Psikolojisini Anlamak Quotes

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İntihar için hissettiklerini atlattığında sessizce oturur. Tüm dengenizi yitirip kendinizi yenik hissettiğinizde en iyi rol eylemsizliktir. Hristiyanlıkta şarap ve ekmek kutsama töreninde “Burada kendimizi sana sunuyor ve adıyoruz... Yaşayan bir kurban olarak” denilen andır.
Sayfa 74 - Chiviyazıları Yayınevi- Psykhe’ nin Acı ÇekmesiKitabı okudu
“Eğer sevgi, 110 voltluk kullanılabilir elektrik akımı ise, aşık olmak, hiçbir evde bulunmayan 100 bin voltluk insanüstü bir enerji demektir. ...Aşk deneyimi insan huzurunu bozup büyük bir evrimsel enerjiyi başlatır.”
Sayfa 62 - Chiviyazıları YayıneviKitabı okudu
Terrible things happen to men who are deprived of the presence of women—inner or outer—for usually it is the presence of woman that reminds each man of the best that is in him.
There is something in the unconscious of a man that wishes to make an agreement with his wife that she shall ask no questions of him. Often his attitude toward marriage is that it should be there for him at home but it should not be an encumbrance. He wants to be free to forget about it when he wants to focus elsewhere. This is a great shock to a woman when she discovers this attitude in her man. Marriage is a total commitment for a woman; it is not so all encompassing for a man.
It finds its fulfillment in everyday events and does not need superpersonal dimensions.
When a woman finds herself lonely and not understood, when she finds that people are good to her but stay just a little distance away, she has found the Psyche nature in her own person. This is a painful experience and women are often aware of it without knowing its origin.
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