Şirazlı Hafız Divanı

Hafız-ı Şirazi

Şirazlı Hafız Divanı Quotes

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Light of my two eyes, there is no loyalty in the world.
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Come to those who want to come, tell them to tell to those who want to say Because there is no arrogance, coyness, guard or doorman in this lodge.
Sayfa 92 - Kapı Yayınları
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* * * Beloved, the sweetness of the heart is almost there..
İş bankası YayınlarıKitabı okudu
Huuuuuu.. Nerdesiniz??
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* * * When did friendship end, where did the lovers stay?
İş bankası YayınlarıKitabı okudu
Halka tövbe edin diye emredip duranlar, neden tövbeye pek yanaşmazlar?
Sayfa 124 - İş KültürKitabı okudu
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