Sons and Lovers

D. H. Lawrence

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As the sensitive and delicate Gertrude Morel begins to shrink from her drunken and violent husband, their marriage becomes a battleground. Gertrude turns increasingly towards her two eldest sons, William and Paul, and determines that they will not grow up to be coal miners living in poverty like their father. Yet soon William falls ill, and Paul seeks to escape his mother’s suffocating influence through a series of relationships. Closely autobiographical, and widely regarded as Lawrence’s finest achievement, Sons and Lovers is the affecting portrait of a mining family torn apart by class divisions and the conflict between filial love and the urge to follow one’s own desires.
Estimated Reading Time: 13 hrs. 36 min.Page Number: 480First Publication Date: 19381Publisher: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847497536Language: English

Book Statistics

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About the Author

D. H. Lawrence
D. H. LawrenceYazar · 47 books
David Herbert Richards Lawrence (d. 11 Eylül 1885 – ö. 2 Mart 1930), 20. yüzyıl İngiliz yazarıdır. Roman, şiir, tiyatro oyunları, denemeler, gezi kitapları, edebiyat eleştirileri, yazmış, çeviriler yapmıştır. Eserlerinde modernizm ve endüstirileşmenin birey üzerindeki yabancılaştırıcı etkisi üzerinde durmuştur.