Sosial Maraq

Alfred Adler

Sosial Maraq Reviews

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9Out of 10
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144 syf.
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Görkəmli psixoloq, individual psixologiya nəzəriyyəsinin yaradıcısı, tanınmış avstriyalı həkim, psixoterapevt Alfred Adler haqqında əvvəllər ümumi məlumata malik olsam da, onunla yaxından tanışlığım “Aydınlanma səyahəti” (2016) kitabının birinci hissəsini (Oyanış və dəyişməyə doğru) yazarkən başladı. Adler psixologiyanın birinci vəzifəsi kimi
Sosial Maraq
Sosial MaraqAlfred Adler · Individ Yayın Evi · 199815 okunma
144 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 22 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Fathers and mothers should buy and read this book. Find the Turkish version of Turkey. It is a very good book. However, I do not agree with the word "completeness" in the names. Apart from that, it is a very good book about psychology. His ability to speak the language properly is very good. In short, I liked the man.
Sosial Maraq
Sosial MaraqAlfred Adler · Individ Yayın Evi · 199815 okunma
225 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 7 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Adler, one of the founders of the science of psychology other than Freud and one of the pioneers of this science, researched the effect of social life on human formation and activities, as the title suggests, and provided us with the comfort of reading by conveying this in a simple language. Man is a social being and he "creates himself". He has offered us a taste of socio-psychology by examining the origins of the problems in society on the basis that all his behaviors, emotions, thinking styles, dreams and activities are driven by his constant search for ideal perfection and goodness, under the influence of the inferiority complex, which is an impulse that largely governs his evolution. Underlining that the first developmental stage of a human being is childhood (especially 0-5), we refer to the "mother" as the person who witnesses and helps us most closely in this phase. The concept of "pampered" us. It is constantly repeated in the book that shaping us as children can enable us to grow up as problematic individuals for society and for the child itself, and that the attitude of the father role is important at this point. In addition, by dividing life into three big problems (social life, love problems and work), the people who create them or those who fail to find solutions while dealing with these problems are described as "spoiled children, experiencing organ failure". In the book, it is mentioned that they shape their childhood consciousness and use their creative powers that make up their lives in line with this perspective. I can say that it is the first psychology book I have read and I think it is a very good start. I definitely think it is very productive in terms of raising socio-psychological awareness. Enjoyable reading :)
Sosyal İlgi
Sosyal İlgiAlfred Adler · Payel Yayınları · 201515 okunma