Summer Moonshine

P. G. Wodehouse

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Poor Sir Buckstone Abbott, Bart! Not only does he own in Walsingford Hall, one of the least attractive stately homes in the country, but he has to take in paying guests to keep it upright. So when it seems a rich (if not very nice) continental princess might buy it, he's overjoyed - particularly as he's being rooked by the publisher of his sporting memoirs. His daughter Jane comes up trumps in the company of the playwright Joe - but not before engagements are broken and fortunes lost and made. Another delightful novel form the master of the Engllish comedy, Wodehoues deftly unties all the knots he had so cleverly tied around his characters in the first place.
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 31 min.Page Number: 336Publication Date: 2 October 2008Publisher: Arrow
ISBN: 9780099514169Language: English

About the Author

P. G. Wodehouse
P. G. WodehouseYazar · 38 books
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse KBE bir İngiliz yazar ve 20. yüzyılın en çok okunan mizahçılarından biriydi. Hong Kong merkezli bir İngiliz sulh hakiminin üçüncü oğlu Guildford'da doğan Wodehouse, mutlu genç yıllarını tüm hayatı boyunca adadığı Dulwich Koleji'nde geçirdi