Sünnetin İslam'daki Yeri

İmam Suyuti

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Her Müslümanın Okuması Gerektiğini Düşündüğüm Kitaplar ve Yazarlar
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Friends, I wanted to share the books that I believe every Muslim should read. You may also have additional books to recommend and authors to add. That's why I expect suggestions from you. Also, if you have read any of the books or authors on the list, I would appreciate it if you could comment positively or negatively on them. This post has been a
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"Sunnah is like Noah's (عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَم) ship. The one who rides it will be saved. He who abandons the sunnah will be destroyed like Kenan." [Kenan: The son of Noah (عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَم) who did not believe and refused to board the ship]
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri
[Suyutî Miftahü'l Cenne 53rd page, Mecmuatul fatava 4/57]
Mayıs Ayı Okumalarım
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This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
الحيا ء خير كله 'Modesty is completely good!'🌻 (Muslim, Faith, 61)
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri
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"The need of the Quran for the sunnah (to be understood and implemented) is greater than the need of the sunnah for the Quran."
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri
Allah Teâlâ, Resul-i Ekreme itaati farz kılmakla, ezelî ilmiyle hakkında Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'de ayet bulunmayan konularda Resûlullah'ın (sallallahu aleyhi vesellem) getireceği sünnetlerin isabetli ve rızasına uygun olduğunu ortaya koymuş olmaktadır.
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri
Sünnetin Dindeki Yeri