Hayat Nasıl Başladı? - Yitik Tek Tanrı Düşüncesinin Yeniden Dirilişi!

Tanrı'nın Doğumu: Çağların Başlangıcı

Murat Tetik

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People love to localize and localize universal truths. There are so many examples to give of this... Medieval painters' Hz. When we look at the pictures of Jesus, we see a Prophet in medieval clothes. Jesus is encountered. In the murals in the old churches of Ethiopia, Hz. Moses is described as a black man. What is the cardigan in Topkapı Palace called? Messenger Hz. This cardigan, which is claimed to belong to Muhammad, reminds us of Ottoman clothing styles for some reason. Each person interprets the facts within their own conditions. He distances himself from the realities he perceives. Then he insists on not understanding those who say similar things to him. This is the main source of conflicts and struggles. The history of religions and sects is a clear indication of this. Famous thinker Xenophes of Colophon criticized the pagans as follows: "If oxen had carved statues of their own gods, they would undoubtedly have made them in the form of oxen." This statement reveals the subjectivity of human imagination. Primitive man thought that the gods were human like himself. So, has modern man escaped this ancient tradition? The disease of interpreting universal truths in one's own way and localizing them has improved compared to the past. However, it cannot be said that this chronic disease has completely abandoned humanity. How then can the first question and answer be evaluated? Here we are faced with a great irony. If aliens are Muslims, are we Muslims? Or if we are Muslims, are the aliens Muslims? In this work, we will see in its frightening dimensions that this seemingly absurd irony is not actually absurd.
Murat Tetik
Murat Tetik
Estimated Reading Time: 8 hrs. 37 min.Page Number: 304Publication Date: October 2012Publisher: Paraf Yayınları
ISBN: 9786055218058Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Murat Tetik
Murat TetikYazar · 2 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
He was born in Eskişehir in 1981. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Eskişehir. He graduated from Izmir Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Law in 2002. After this year, he indirectly worked in various press and publishing jobs. He completed his law internship in 2006. Ufology, History of Religions, Archeology, Astronomy, Etymology etc. was interested in the issues. Until this period, his articles were published in different newspapers and magazines. In 2009, his theory that the remains of "Noah's Ark" were found in the Ida (Kaz) mountains was published, and he corresponded with various state institutions on this issue. Murat Tetik is married and continues his career as a lawyer.