Tarasconlu Tartarin

Alphonse Daudet

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Küçük Tarascon kentinde yaşayan Tartarin, serüven ve aslan avı aşkıyla yanıp tutuşmaktadır. Ama evinden hiç ayrılmamış Tartarin için Afrika çok uzak bir diyardır. Gözü pek avcı sonunda yola çıkmaya karar verir. Acaba çölde vahşi bir aslanı pusuya düşürmeyi başaracak mıdır? Başkalarını kandırdığı kadar kendisini de kandıran, saf, gülünç ama bir o kadar da ilgi çekici bir roman kahramanıdır Tartarin. Alphonse Daudet, onun kişiliği çevresinde muziplik ve canlılık dolu küçük bir taşra dünyası yaratmış; böylelikle, karikatüre yakın gülünç bir güney folklorunun doğmasına katkıda bulunmuştur.
Tahsin Yücel
Tahsin Yücel
Estimated Reading Time: 3 hrs. 24 min.Page Number: 120Publication Date: April 2010Publisher: Can Yayınları
ISBN: 9789750711527Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Alphonse Daudet
Alphonse DaudetYazar · 24 books
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Alphonse Daudet (13 May 1840 - 17 December 1897) was a French writer. He is the representative of the naturalism movement. Sapho is famous for her works Letters from My Mill. There is also a famous world classic called Jack. After receiving a good education, he served as a "study controller" at Alais College. He went to Paris to study literature. She first became known with her poetry book "Les Amoureuses (Women in Love)" (1858). He managed to make his name known to the world with his book Letters from My Mill. Alphonse Daudet was the child of a merchant family in Nimes. After a rather idle youth period, he had to leave his education at the age of fifteen due to the bankruptcy of his family. He went to his older brother Ernest, a modest journalist, in Paris. The following year (1858), he published a collection of poems, Women in Love, which introduced him to literary circles. He achieved real success with The Little Thing (1868), the story of his youth in the south and his arrival in the capital, and Letters from My Mill (1869), a collection of entertaining tales that portray the Provence region in simple language. Tartarin of Taraskon, Tartarin In the Alps, with the Defense of Taraskon and the Port of Taraskon, Daudet has created a small provincial world full of mischief and liveliness. In this way, he contributed to the birth of a ridiculous southern folklore that borders on caricature. Alfonse Daudet died later in 1897.