Tatsız Bir Olay

Fyodor Dostoyevski

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91 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 hours
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A fluent book that can be read in one breath. A self-centered officer. By attending a wedding to which he was not invited just to make people praise him because his position is superior to the host. He is the one who initiates the unpleasant incident. Dostoyevsky clearly explained that position does not matter in this world.
Tatsız Bir Olay
Tatsız Bir OlayFyodor Dostoyevski · Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları · 19905.1k okunma
91 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 12 hours
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Review of Dostoyevsky's books I wait a while to digest the book while writing. Ostensibly a short story book, An Unpleasant Event. Character analysis and narration of the event underline why Dostoyevsky is indispensable in literature. Our hero, Ivan Ilyich, is so full of himself that he has lost his ability to empathize. Who knows, maybe he has never developed? Class differences and separate worlds can only be depicted so clearly! Of course, you can create an ending based on the name of the heartbreaking story, but you cannot blame Dostoyevsky. I really felt sorry for Pseldonimov. An unpleasant event, a pleasant, beautiful book. It's the kind of thing that should be read with a calm mind and that will make your thoughts flock to your head when you read it. Well, isn't Dostoyevsky's books usually like this? Good reading :)
Tatsız Bir Olay
Tatsız Bir OlayFyodor Dostoyevski · Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları · 19905.1k okunma
91 syf.
Not rated
Read in 5 hours
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A striking long story from Dostoyevsky: 'An Unpleasant Incident: It starts pleasantly with the conversations and character analyzes of three generals and ends with an unpleasant event. You feel the hierarchical order with all boundaries. On the one hand, those at the top due to their wealth and place in society and their only theoretical ideas about human management; On the other hand, the experiences of a small civil servant's family who are barely making ends meet... “Kindness saves everything, fixes everything.” We see the damage that upper-class people, who think like this, do to lower-class people while trying to do good. In fact, the concept of goodness here is a completely selfish concept and the person who does good expects praise as a result of the good deed he does. It is also striking that our hero's actions and words contradict so much and that he is aware of this situation. Definitely a must read book. I would like to end my review with Goethe's words: "Thinking is easy, acting is difficult; Acting according to one's thoughts is the most difficult thing in the world. “
Tatsız Bir Olay
Tatsız Bir OlayFyodor Dostoyevski · Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları · 19905.1k okunma
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