Tekamül mü? Soysuzlaşma mı? - Cilt 1

Muhammed Kutub

About Tekamül mü? Soysuzlaşma mı? - Cilt 1

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Bu çağ, sözüm ona tekamül çağıdır. Aklınıza gelebilecek olan her şeyi tekamülün alevden dili yalayıp kavurmaktadır. Fikirler, inanç sistemleri, değer yargıları ile ana kavramlar... Ahlak telakkileri ile gelenekler... Hayat macerasının topyekün maddi çehresi... Evet, kıyafetler ve besin maddeleri... Ulaştırma vasıtları ile yığın yığın kitle haberleşme araçları... Savaş ve barış metodları... Makinanın bizzat kendisi... Ve insanın öz varlığı!.
Salih Uçan
Salih Uçan
Estimated Reading Time: 11 hrs. 5 min.Page Number: 391Publication Date: 1971Publisher: Latin Matbaası
ISBN: ---Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Muhammed Kutub
Muhammed KutubYazar · 59 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Muhammad Qutb was born in the village of Musha near Asyut in Upper Egypt, as the second of four siblings and after his older brother Sayyid Qutb. There is little information about his upbringing and education in British sources, but he lived in Helvan, near Cairo, with his older brother Sayyid Qutb, his two younger sisters, and his mother. A few days before the arrest of his elder brother Sayyid, on July 29, 1965, he was arrested on the grounds that he and his brother were plotting to assassinate Egypt's political and cultural leaders with the aim of overthrowing the government. Sayyid Qutb was executed in 1966, but Muhammad Qutb's death sentence was pardoned and he was released from prison in 1972. He subsequently sought asylum in Saudi Arabia along with other Muslim Brotherhood members. Muhammad Qutb edited and printed the books of Sayyid Qutb during his years in Saudi Arabia. According to different sources; King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah or Ummul Qura University in Mecca) where Osama bin Laden or Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second theoretician of al-Qaeda, was a student. He taught as a professor of Islamic Studies in 039. In a video clip dated 2004, Osama bin Laden recommended Sheikh Muhammad Qutb's book Concepts That Should be Corrected. According to Lawrence Wright, who interviewed Muhammad Cemal Khalifa; Bin Laden was attending Muhammad Qutb's weekly lectures at King Abdul Aziz University. In addition to preparing his brother Sayyid's books, Muhammad Qutb worked to smooth over his brother's ideas and the differences between his brother's fundamentalist supporters and the ultra-conservative Muslims, especially the Brethren. He rejected Sayyid Qutb's thesis that the Muslim world and its governments are in ignorance (the term Jahiliyya is used by the author in the sense of pagan ignorance) and the thesis that the country that gave him asylum was in ignorance, and in 1975 he gave up the act of making takfir or judging Muslims as unbelievers. Muhammad Qutb was a writer who stood on his own truths. His books became widespread throughout the Arab world and were popular among the Muslim Brotherhood. Muhammad Qutb's book 20th Century Ignorance is perhaps his best-known book, and Sayyid Qutb's Signs on the Path (Ma'alim fi et-Tarik) were published by the government in the homes and other places of the assassins. After they claimed to have found the books, they became famous for claiming that they were terrorists' handbooks. Another book of Muhammad that was popular among Islamists was Sayyid Qutb's book Islam: The Misunderstood Religion, in which he developed his thoughts, and this work was called one of the classics containing apologies. He died on April 4, 2014 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. WORKS 4 in 1000 Questions Rashid Halife / POLEN PUBLICATIONS The Life of Our Prophet (pbuh) in 1000 Questions POLEN PUBLICATIONS  The Ignorance of the 20th Century BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Mercy to the Worlds Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Can Islam Be Applied in Our Century? RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Westernizing Discourses and Islam BURUC PUBLICATIONS  They Cannot Bring Similar Ones BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Are we Muslims? AĞAÇ KİTABEVİ PUBLICATIONS  Are we Muslims? HİLAL PUBLICATIONS  Are we Muslims? ŞURA YAYINEVİ  Bosnia and Herzegovina Massacre TEVHID PUBLICATIONS  Islamic Perspective on the Contemporary World BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Contemporary Idea Movements (3 Volume Set) RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Contemporary Intellectual Movements 1- Democracy RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Contemporary Intellectual Movements 2 -Communism- RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Contemporary Intellectual Movements 3 - Secularism, Rationalism, Nationalism - RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Contemporary Intellectual Movements BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Our Contemporary Position BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Lives of the Prophets for Children BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Concepts that Need to be Corrected RISALE  Evolution and Constancy BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Conflict of Traditions BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Hz. Life of Muhammad / For Young People İLKE PUBLISHING  Hz. 50 Advice from the Prophet to Young People İLKE PUBLISHING  Portrait of Two Women in the Mirror of Faith and Denial İLKE PUBLISHING  Studies on Human Psychology RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  This is Islam BEKA PUBLICATIONS  The Problem of Enlightenment in the Islamic World BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Doubts Around Islam HİSAR PUBLICATIONS  Islamic Faith RISALE /Nureddin Yıldız  Islamic Heroes Companions (Set of 5 Books) HİSAR PUBLICATIONS  Islamic Education and Ethics System HİSAR PUBLICATIONS  Human Psychology According to Islam ESMA PUBLICATIONS  Doubts Surrounding Islam TUĞRA NEŞRİYAT  Our View of History from an Islamic Perspective RISALE  Women's Freedom and Hijab RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Women's War for Freedom RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Quran Studies Civil Verses Volume 2 SERIYYE PUBLISHING HOUSE  Quran Studies Meccan Verses Volume 1 SERIYYE PUBLISHING HOUSE  Quran Stories BEKA PUBLICATIONS  How to Read the Quran IŞIRET PUBLICATIONS  Globalization and Muslims BEKA PUBLICATIONS  La Ilahe Illallah BEKA PUBLICATIONS  La Ilahe Illellah / Aqidah, Sharia and the Path of Life RAVZA PUBLICATIONS  Lailahe Illallah IHTAR PUBLICATIONS  How Should We Invite? BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Exemplary Islamic Society RISALE  Sparkles from the Prophet BEKA PUBLICATIONS  The Wars of Our Prophet HİSAR PUBLICATIONS  Seriyyes of Our Prophet HİSAR PUBLICATIONS  Islamic Foundations of Social Sciences BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Discussions BEKA PUBLICATIONS  Exit from Tih BURUC PUBLICATIONS .