Texas Haunted Forts

Elaine Coleman

About Texas Haunted Forts

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The forts of Texas, once teeming with soldiers, settlers and Native Americans, today stand like silent sentinels, abandoned to the ravages of sun, wind, and time. Their legends and stories are ghostly reminders of a past steeped in violence and tragic loss. Tales of Indians wrapped in buffalo robes and a ghostly lady delivering white roses to an officer's desk are woven with historical facts, placing the reader in the midst of the action. Photographs of these historic places send the reader back in time as haunted souls of long-lost legends fill the pages.
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 48 min.Page Number: 240Publication Date: 15 September 2018Publisher: Globe Pequot Press
ISBN: 9781493032464Language: İngilizceFormat: E-kitap