The Age of Innocence

Edith Wharton

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The return of the beautiful Countess Olenska into the rigidly conventional society of New York sends reverberations throughout the upper reaches of society. Newland Archer, an eligible young man of the establishment is about to announce his engagement to May Welland, a pretty ingénue, when May's cousin, Countess Olenska, is introduced into their circle. The Countess brings with her an aura of European sophistication and a hint of scandal, having left her husband and claimed her independence. Her sorrowful eyes, her tragic worldliness and her air of unapproachability attract the sensitive Newland and, almost against their will, a passionate bond develops between them. But Archer's life has no place for passion and, with society on the side of May and all she stands for, he finds himself drawn into a bitter conflict between love and duty.
Estimated Reading Time: 10 hrs. 26 min.Page Number: 368Publication Date: 30 May 1996Publisher: Penguin Classics
ISBN: 9780140189704Language: English

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Edith Wharton
Edith WhartonYazar · 22 books
En fazla tanınan eseri "Masumiyet Çağı" (The Age of Innocence, 1920) adlı romanıdır, ve 1921 yılında Pulitzer Ödülünü kazanmıştır. I. Dünya Savaşı esnasında Paris'te Kızıl Haç örgütü için yaptığı yardım çalışmalarından ötürü, Fransız Légion d'honneur nişanıyla ödüllendirilmiştir. Paris'de iken Amerikalı ünlü gazeteci William Morton Fullerton büyük bir aşk yaşamıştır. Aralarında Henry James, F Scott Fitzgerald, Jean Cocteau, Ernest Hemingway ve Theodore Roosevelt'in bulunduğu, çağının önemli ve etkili entellektüelleriyle olan arkadaşlığı da ayrıca dikkat çekicidir.