The Birth Of Tragedy Or Hellenism And Pessimism

Friedrich Nietzsche

The Birth Of Tragedy Or Hellenism And Pessimism Quotes

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We will have achieved much for the discipline of aesthetics when we have arrived not only at the logical insight but also at the immediate certainty of the view that the continuing development of art is tied to the duality of the Apollonian and the Dionysian:· just as procreation depends on the duality of the sexes, which are engaged in a continual struggle interrupted only by temporary periods of reconciliation. These names are borrowed from the Greeks who revealed the profound secret doctrines of their view of art to the discerning mind precisely not in concepts but rather in the insistently clear forms of their pantheon. To both of their artistic deities, Apollo· and Dionysus, is linked our knowledge that in the Greek world there existed a tremendous opposition, in terms of origin and goals, between the Apollonian art of the sculptor and the imageless Dionysian art of music: these two very different drives run in parallel with one another, for the most part diverging openly with one another and continually stimulating each other to ever new and more powerful births, in order to perpetuate in themselves the struggle of that opposition only apparently bridged by the shared name of 'art'; until finally, through a metaphysical miracle of the Hellenic 'will'.· they appear coupled with one another and through this coupling at last give birth to a work of art which is as Dionysian as it is Apollonian- Attic tragedy.
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Platon, Sokrates'in öğrencisi olabilmek için, ilk iş olarak yazdığı şiirleri yakmıştır.
… neşeyle seslenir insan yaşama: “Seni istiyorum: sen bilinmeye değersin.”
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Yunanlıların, yaşayabilmek için bu tanrıları en derinden gelen bir zorunlulukla yaratmaları gerekmiştir: Olympos'taki neşeli tanrılar düzeninin, başlangıçtaki dehşetli titanik tanrılar düzeninden, söz konusu Apolloncu güzellik dürtüsü sayesinde, yavaş geçişler halinde gelişmesinin izlediği yolu nasıl mı tasarlıyoruz: dikenli çalılıklarda güllerin açıvermesi gibi. Yoksa, bu kadar aşırı duyarlı, bu kadar delidolu arzulu, böyle eşsiz acı çekme yeteneğine sahip bu halk, nasıl katlanabilirdi varoluşa, aynısını daha yüksek bir şanla çevrili bir biçimde tanrıların da yaşadığı gösterilmeseydi?
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