The Cancer Journals

Audre Lorde

The Cancer Journals Quotes

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Each of us struggles daily with the pressures of conformity and the loneliness of difference from which those choices seem to offer escape. -Her birimiz, kabul görmenin baskıları ve farklı olmanın yalnızlığıyla mücadele ediyoruz.
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For we have been socialized to respect fear more than our own needs for language and definition, and while we wait in silence for that final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us.
Sayfa 16 - Penguin Modern ClassicsKitabı okudu
[…] for it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence.
Sayfa 16 - Penguin Modern ClassicsKitabı okudu
And I remind myself all the time now, that if I were to have been born mute, or had maintained an oath of silence my whole life long for safety, I would still have suffered, and I would still die.
Sayfa 16 - Penguin Modern ClassicsKitabı okudu
And where the words of women are crying to be heard, we must each of us recognize our responsibility to seek those words out, to read them and share them and examine them in their pertinence to our lives. That we not hide behind the mockeries of separations that have been imposed upon us and which so often we accept as our own: for instance, "I can't possibly teach Black women's writing—their experience is so different from mine," yet how many years have you spent teaching Plato and Shakespeare and Proust? Or another: "She's a white woman and what could she possibly have to say to me?" Or, "She's a lesbian, what would my husband say, or my chairman?" Or again, "This woman writes of her sons and I have no children." And all the other endless ways in which we rob ourselves of ourselves and each other.
Sayfa 16 - Penguin Modern ClassicsKitabı okudu
Women have been programmed to view our bodies only in terms of how they look and feel to others, rather than how they feel to ourselves, and how we wish to use them. We are surrounded by media images portraying women as essentially decorative machines of consumer function, constantly doing battle with rampant decay. (Take your vitamins every day and he *might* keep you, if you don't forget to whiten your teeth, cover up your smells, color your grey hair and iron out your wrinkles. . . .) As women, we fight this depersonalization every day, this pressure toward the conversion of one's own self-image into a media expectation of what might satisfy male demand.
Sayfa 57 - Penguin Modern ClassicsKitabı okudu
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