The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Muriel Barbery

About The Elegance of the Hedgehog

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Renee is the concierge of a grand Parisian apartment building, home to members of the great and the good. Over the years she has maintained her carefully constructed persona as someone reliable but totally uncultivated, in keeping, she feels, with society's expectations of what a concierge should be. But beneath this facade lies the real Renee: passionate about culture and the arts, and more knowledgeable in many ways than her employers with their outwardly successful but emotionally void lives. Down in her lodge, apart from weekly visits by her one friend Manuela, Renee lives resigned to her lonely lot with only her cat for company. Meanwhile, several floors up, twelve-year-old Paloma Josse is determined to avoid the pampered and vacuous future laid out for her, and decides to end her life on her thirteenth birthday. But unknown to them both, the sudden death of one of their privileged neighbours will dramatically alter their lives forever. By turn moving and hilarious, this unusual novel became the top-selling book in France in 2007 with sales of over 900,000 copies to-date.
Alison Anderson
Alison Anderson
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 4 min.Page Number: 320Publication Date: 1 September 2008First Publication Date: May 2008Publisher: Gallic Books
ISBN: 9781906040161Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLanguage: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Muriel Barbery
Muriel BarberyYazar · 5 books
Barbery École Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud'a 1990 yılında girdi ve 1993 yılında felsefe alanından mezun oldu. Daha sonraki yıllarda Université de Bourgogne'de, bir Fransız lisesinde ve Saint-Lô'deki Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres'de (Öğretmen eğitim enstitüsü) felsefe dersleri verdi. 2000 yılında ilk romanı Une Gourmandise yayınlandı. Bu kitap on iki dile çevrildi. 2006 yılında çıkan ikinci kitabı Kirpinin Zarafeti (L'Élégance du hérisson) Fransa'nın en çok satanlar listesinde 30 hafta boyunca ilk sırada yer aldı. Mayıs 2008'e kadar elli baskısı yapılan eserin bir milyondan fazla kopyası satılmıştı. 2008 yılında bir sanatçı rezidansı olan Villa Kujoyama'da yaşamaya hak kazanan Barbery, şu anda eşiyle birlikte Kyoto'da yaşamaktadır. Ödülleri 2006: Georges Brassens Ödülü (Kirpinin Zarafeti ile) 2007: Prix Rotary International 2007: Prix des libraires pour l'Élégance du hérisson (Yayıncılar ödülü - Kirpinin Zarafeti ile) 2007: Prix des Bibliothèques pour Tous, pour l'Élégance du hérisson (Kütüphaneciler ödülü - Kirpinin Zarafeti ile)