Wisehouse Classics - The Authoritative Edition

The Epic of Kings- Hero Tales of Ancient Persia


About The Epic of Kings- Hero Tales of Ancient Persia

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The Shahnameh, also transliterated as Shahnama (“The Book of Kings”), is a long epic poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi between c. 977 and 1010 CE and is the national epic of Greater Iran. Consisting of some 50,000 “distichs” or couplets (2-line verses), the Shahnameh is the world's longest epic poem written by a single poet. It tells mainly the mythical and to some extent the historical past of the Persian Empire from the creation of the world until the Islamic conquest of Persia in the 7th century. Today Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and the greater region influenced by the Persian culture (such as Georgia, Armenia, Turkey and Dagestan) celebrate this national epic. The work is of central importance in Persian culture, regarded as a literary masterpiece, and definitive of the ethno-national cultural identity of modern-day Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. It is also important to the contemporary adherents of Zoroastrianism, in that it traces the historical links between the beginnings of the religion with the death of the last Sassanid ruler of Persia during the Muslim conquest and an end to the Zoroastrian influence in Iran.
Estimated Reading Time: 4 hrs. 25 min.Page Number: 156Publication Date: 15 September 2017First Publication Date: 1977Publisher: Wisehouse Classics
ISBN: 9789176373873Language: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

FirdevsiYazar · 10 books
Samanîler ve Gazneliler dönemleri İran edebiyatının önde gelen Fars şair. Başlıca yapıtı Şehnâme'yi (60.000 beyitten oluşur; ilk insandan III. Yezdigirt dönemine kadar İran tarihi anlatır) tamamlayınca 1010 yılında Gazneli Mahmut'a sunan Firdevsi, bağlanan aylığı az bulduğu için sultanı ağır biçimde hicvedince, Gazne'den göçmek zorunda kaldı. Bir süre Herat'ta ve Taberistan emiri Şehriyar'ın yanında kaldıktan sonra, Tus'a dönerek orada öldü. Firdevsi'nin soyca bir Dihkan ailesinden olduğu söylenir. Doğum yılı kesin olarak bilinmemektedir. Firdevsî, Gazneli Mahmut'un fikirler aldığı bilginlerden de bir tanesidir. Firdevsi gibi bilginlere Gazneli Mahmut maddi ve manevi yönden destek olmuştur.